Site Information


  1. Universal Frame
  2. Universal Supports
  3. High Mechanical Advantage Loader
  4. Data Analysis
  5. Moment of Inertia
  6. Deformation of Non-Prismatic Bars
  7. Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
  8. Exceptional Loads in Deflection of Beams
  9. Buckling of Columns
  10. Impending Motion
  11. Differential Pulleys
  12. Mechanical Advantage and Motion of Belt Drives
  13. Lumped Mass Vibration Apparatus

Experiments:  In Development

  1. Mechanical Advantage and Motion in Gear Trains
  2. Universal Combined Stress
  3. Impact Loading

External Links

How the site works and what can be obtained from this site

        This site lists the various laboratory experiments that are being made available to other colleges and universities across the nation. These designs are only to be used by such institutions and ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES!

Symbols used to indicate progress and availability of experiments / apparatuses:

  •    Used to indicate a completely finished experiment / apparatus
  •    Used to indicate an experiment under construction

For example, the sample experiment listed below indicates that the "Deformation of Non-Prismatic Bars" experiment is complete, but the "Universal Combined Stress" experiment is still under construction.

Lab Title Description EXPERIMENT TIME Status
Deformation of Non-Prismatic Bars Using springs, this experiment examines the axial deformation of both prismatic and non-prismatic bars. 45 min.
Universal Combined Stress An apparatus in which torsional stresses and bending stresses in two different planes may be measured independently or in a combined manner. 1.5 hours

What may be obtained from this site:

  • Experiment description and objectives
  • Lab guides to be provided to students
  • Equipment needed to perform the experiment (mass scale, caliper, ruler, etc.)
  • Time required in the laboratory to perform the experiment
  • Parts required to construct the apparatus
  • Part drawings required to construct the apparatus*

* The part drawings are available in Autodesk's drawing web format (.dwf)   which requires either 'Whip Viewer' or 'Volo View Express'.    Volo View Express is recommended due to it's more robust program which is capable of dividing large drawings into multiple sheets if required by some institutions.    Due to the importance of this information the Volo View Express link is also available in the important information section of this site.  


    © Copyrighted Material.  Written Permission Must Be Granted For Use.