Site Information


  1. Universal Frame
  2. Universal Supports
  3. High Mechanical Advantage Loader
  4. Data Analysis
  5. Moment of Inertia
  6. Deformation of Non-Prismatic Bars
  7. Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
  8. Exceptional Loads in Deflection of Beams
  9. Buckling of Columns
  10. Impending Motion
  11. Differential Pulleys
  12. Mechanical Advantage and Motion of Belt Drives
  13. Lumped Mass Vibration Apparatus

Experiments:  In Development

  1. Mechanical Advantage and Motion in Gear Trains
  2. Universal Combined Stress
  3. Impact Loading

External Links

High Mechanical Advantage Loader (HMAL-200)

For application of large required loads. Designed for use with UF-400, the HMAL-200 can apply over 200 pounds using a mechanical advantage of 10:1.


This Loader was designed for the use with various experiments, including:

  • Stresses in a Truss Frame
  • Stresses in an I-Beam
  • Etc.

Parts and Assembly Information:



  © Copyrighted Material.  Written Permission Must Be Granted For Use.