Impending Motion and Sliding Bodies
Experiment exploring static friction in three modes: standard,
hanging weight, and connected blocks.
Experiment Time: 1 Hour

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This experiment and apparatus is designed to investigate:
- Coefficient of Friction - μs of:
- Stainless Steel on Stainless Steel
- Stainless Steel on Aluminum
- Stainless Steel on Nylon
- Aluminum on Stainless Steel
- Aluminum on Aluminum
- Aluminum on Nylon
- Angle of Friction
- Impending upward and downward motion with an applied force
- Multiple sliding surfaces with respect to each other
Time Requirements (for a recommended group size of 2 to 3 people):
- Setup Time: 10 to 15 minutes
- Experiment Time: approx. 60 minutes
Parts and Assembly Information: