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  1. Universal Frame
  2. Universal Supports
  3. High Mechanical Advantage Loader
  4. Data Analysis
  5. Moment of Inertia
  6. Deformation of Non-Prismatic Bars
  7. Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
  8. Exceptional Loads in Deflection of Beams
  9. Buckling of Columns
  10. Impending Motion
  11. Differential Pulleys
  12. Mechanical Advantage and Motion of Belt Drives
  13. Lumped Mass Vibration Apparatus

Experiments:  In Development

  1. Mechanical Advantage and Motion in Gear Trains
  2. Universal Combined Stress
  3. Impact Loading

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Lumped Mass Vibration/Controls Experiment

The vibrational and control system study of a multi-degree of freedom lumped mass apparatus is examined with this apparatus. This experiment requires LabVIEW software and a National Instruments DAQ system to record results.

Experiment Time: 1 Hour

This experiment and apparatus is designed to investigate:
  • Controls Experiments:
    1. The calculation of the system transfer function for a physical system in the 's' domain.
    2. The calculation of the system transfer function for a physical system in the time domain.
    3. Experimental verification of the transfer functions upon testing the system.
    4. Developing a control routine in LabVIEW to control the response of one of the blocks to a pre-described position or position function.
  • Vibrations Experiments:
    1. mass-spring unforced 1 DOF system response
    2. mass-spring-damper unforced 1 DOF system response
    3. mass-spring SHM forced 1 DOF system response
    4. mass-spring-damper SHM forced 1 DOF system response
    5. mass-spring 1 DOF step input system response
    6. mass-spring-damper 1 DOF step input system response
    7. mass-spring 2 DOF SHM forced system response w/ zero initial conditions
    8. mass-spring-single damper 2 DOF SHM forced system response w/ zero initial conditions
    9. mass-spring 3 DOF SHM forced system response w/ zero initial conditions
    10. mass-spring-single damper 3 DOF SHM forced system response w/ zero initial conditions
Time Requirements (for a recommended group size of 2 to 3 people):
  • Setup Time: 15 to 25 minutes
  • Experiment Time: approx. 90 minutes
Parts and Assembly Information:


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