Spring '11 Semester
As of now:
When? Monday at 8:30pm
How Often? Every other week for general body members. (GB = General Body) (EB = Executive Board only)
Where? Social Sciences Building Room 227
Duration? Meetings will last about an hour (usually less). If you can't come at the beginning, late is better than never. If you have to leave early, that's fine, too.
Upcoming Meetings
4/25/11 - GB*
Past Meetings
1/24/11 - EB
1/31/11 - GB*
2/07/11 - EB
2/14/11 - No Meeting
2/21/11 - GB*
2/28/11 - EB
3/07/11 - No Meeting
3/14/11 - GB
3/21/11 - EB
Taylor Mali
4/04/11 - GB
4/11/11 - EB