Student Daily Schedule Example
Year One: Semester 1
Student will be engaged in core coursework in addition to their participation in the freshman seminar and the planning forum. Year one students will participate in one course in each of the four focus areas of study: A. Liberal studies, B. Vocational development, C. Social /leisure and D. Independent living. Schedule from 9am to 3pm. Additional hours may be needed for specific course requirements.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Planning Forum |
Planning Forum |
Planning Forum |
Planning Forum |
Planning Forum |
Core Course
Core Course |
Independent Study |
Core Course |
Core Course |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Tutoring with mentor |
Technology |
Mentor Partnerships |
Technology |
Tutoring with mentor |
Core Course |
Core Course |
Clubs/Organizations |
Core Course |
Core Course
Introduction to College Life |
Elective leisure |
Exploration |
Introduction to College Life |
Elective leisure |
Exact schedule will depend on availability of transportation, course scheduling logistics and vocational opportunities.
Planing Forum
Student assessment, student organization, time management, student daily schedule, campus orientation.
Focus area A / Liberal Studies
Freshman Seminar; Disabilities Studies; Music, Literature, Art
Focus area B / Vocational
Career Exploration; Building my portfolio; Assistive Technology; Campus Internships
Focus area C / Social Issues
Personal Exploration; Self Advocacy; College Citizenship; Community Citizenship; Relationships
Focus area D / Independent living
Personal Finance; Community Resources; Lifestyles; Health and Wellness