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Christopher, Lindsay, Ateev, Mallika, Benjamin, Ellis, Chris, Garrett, Patti, and Todd


We will continue to be accepting applications for fall 2011

An application can be downloaded from the "Application & Admissions Information" link on the left.

You do not need to be a New Jersey resident to apply.


Congratulations CCS Class 2010 for being our first graduates

Joey, Brian, Ashley, Katie, John & Asim


CCS in the News



Career & Community Studies is a college-based, liberal studies program designed to prepare students (ages 18-25) for adult life through academic rigor, career discovery and preparation and peer socialization as part of a diverse community of learners.  Students wanting to be considered for this program must present a disability that is characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, seeking a post-secondary experience on a college campus and requires a strong system of supports.  Students must be highly motivated young adults who have received extensive educational services in either public or private schools and would likely have considerable difficulty succeeding in a traditional college degree program.


We Believe That:

All young adults go through a similar developmental process that requires certain activities, experiences & supports.

All young adults must develop skills & understandings about themselves and the world around them, in order to fully participate in society and to become successful interdependent adults.

Higher education has value as a vehicle for self-empowerment and access, to social networks, work & independence

Liberal learning promotes the development of critical thinking, self- reflection, and a better understanding of the inter-relatedness required for civic responsibility.

Group membership provides essential motivation and support for learning and participation in community life.


Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Career and Community Studies (CCS) Program at The College of New Jersey is to provide a coordinated and comprehensive course of study that includes career exploration and preparation, self awareness, discovery and personal improvement, through a framework of liberal learning and community participation.




Career & Community Studies

The College of New Jersey

PO Box 7718

Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

P) 609.771.2381



Program Coordinator

Rebecca Daley