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Emily Stanek

What is important, fun, or unique about your college experience?
I have made new friends and I am living away from home for the first time with new people.    

What is it like to participate in College courses?
It is great because you get to learn about new things and meet new people. I really liked Dr. P’s class called Freshman Seminar because I learned about my disability.    

What clubs are you involved in and what do you like about involvement here on campus?
I am in club field hockey and Best Buddies. It is a great experience. I love being involved with activities on campus and I have made some great new friends.

What difference do you think being a CCS student will make to your future?
I will have a lot of job experience and will be able to eventually find my dream job.      

What is a special moment or experience you have had as a CCS student?
The Freshmen Event: we were able to work as a team and we worked really hard on it.

What is your career goal for after graduation?
I want to be a dog trainer and train dogs for people with disabilities, the elderly and people in the hospital.

A Day in My Life

  • I like seeing my friends at college, and hanging out with them
  •  I am a member of Club Field Hokey and best Buddies. I met so many people there!
  •  I took Dr. P’s FSP class where I learned more about my disability


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Career & Community Studies

The College of New Jersey

PO Box 7718

Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

P) 609.771.2381



Program Coordinator

Rebecca Daley