Meet the Student:.Sarah McWhirter
What is important, fun, or unique about your college experience?
Hanging out with friend, going to classes I enjoy, more freedom.
What is it like to participate in College courses?
Classes run during different times and some are more challenging than others.
What clubs are you involved in and what do you like about involvement here on campus?
Circle K- volunteering in the community
TYC- teachers of young children
DHC- deaf hearing connection
I like that I can make new friends.
What difference do you think being a CCS student will make to your future?
An opportunity to get an internship and a good job in the future.
What is a special moment or experience you have had as a CCS student?
Getting an internship at Goddard School and making new friends.
What is your career goal for after graduation?
To be an early childhood teacher/assistant
A Day in My Life
- Go to the café with John, Lewis and Mike and get a caramel macchiato.
- Attending all my classes, work, or internship.
- Go home and watch American idol with roommates.
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