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P) 609.771.2548

F) 609.771.2573



Street Address

1938 Pennington Rd.

Ewing, NJ 08618

Please enter our parking lot from Pennington Road, we are located about 150 yards south of the College's main entrance.

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Mailing Address

Bonner Center for Civic
and Community Engagement

The College of New Jersey

P.O. Box 7718

Ewing, NJ 08628-0718


Pat Donohue, Director


Paula Figueroa-Vega, Associate Director


Richard Wilson, Program Assistant


Morgan Reil, Democracy Project Fellow

Bridge to Employment Initiative


Brittany Aydelotte, Democracy Project Fellow

Bonner Community Scholars and Education Coordinator


Giancarlo Giametta, Democracy Project Fellow

Special Projects Coordinator



Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement



On March 1, 2007 over 150 students visited Forcina Hall and watched the documentary "Witnessing Darfur", produced by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. They then heard from David Thon, a "Lost Boy" who fled his village and grew up in refugee camps before coming to the United States, where he eventually graduated from Mars Hill College on a Bonner scholarship. 3 local refugees also attended and answered questions from the audience. To hear the podcast of "Lost Boy" David Thon, go to archive-webcast and scroll to the March events.

On April 21, 2007 U.S. Congressman Chris Smith joined Dr. Jerry Ehrlich from Doctors Without Borders in a panel discussion that raised awareness and inspired others to advocate for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. A question and answer session was held and the audience formed breakout groups to delve into the issues of advocacy, fundraising and community education. To read the entire press release on this event, click on the link in the top right corner of this page (April 21, 2008 Forum). To learn more about the confict, go to Save Darfur.

Bonner students and Kidsbridge staff are currently working with a team of community partners on an Immigration Forum. The primary goal is to put a human face on this issue and set the stage for a more informed discussion about policy options down the road; presumably next Fall. This is not the first TCNJ event focusing on immigration. Dr. William Ball organized a Public Issues Summit that focused on immigration as part of a larger deliberative democracy project. Go to Immigration Public Issues Summit to learn more.

The Bonner Center's Critical Issues Forum program is led by Todd Stoner. He can be reached at