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P) 609.771.2548

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Street Address

1938 Pennington Rd.

Ewing, NJ 08618

Please enter our parking lot from Pennington Road, we are located about 150 yards south of the College's main entrance.

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Mailing Address

Bonner Center for Civic
and Community Engagement

The College of New Jersey

P.O. Box 7718

Ewing, NJ 08628-0718


Pat Donohue, Director


Paula Figueroa-Vega, Associate Director


Richard Wilson, Program Assistant


Morgan Reil, Democracy Project Fellow

Bridge to Employment Initiative


Brittany Aydelotte, Democracy Project Fellow

Bonner Community Scholars and Education Coordinator


Giancarlo Giametta, Democracy Project Fellow

Special Projects Coordinator



Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement


Community Engaged Learning (CEL) II: Approval Process

Methods for Approving, Supporting, and Evaluating Courses, Course Series, and Sustained Experiences

A standing Community Engaged Learning Advisory Committee to LLPC will be created to evaluate courses, series, and experiences to determine if they meet the community engaged learning requirement. The Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement and the Office of Civic Leadership Development will assist schools and departments in supporting faculty and students’ community engaged learning activities.

Processes for Approval

  • The Community Engaged Learning Advisory Committee to LLPC will be composed of 1)the Chair of LLPC or designated member of LLPC, 2)the Director of the Office of Civic Leadership Development, and 3) the Director of the Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement.
  • Regularly scheduled courses will be submitted to the standing CEL Advisory Committee to LLPC. The submission shall be composed of a course syllabus that contains a description of the roles played by the 15 hours of off-campus work and the significant piece of written or creative work in meeting the community engaged learning outcomes.
  • Students taking regularly scheduled courses or course series that have been determined to meet the community engaged learning requirement will be assumed to be involved in community engaged learning activities. Such courses or course series can be reviewed to ensure that they continue to incorporate appropriate community engaged learning work.
  • Students taking independent studies, guided studies, independent research, internships, or theses must present their course approval form for review by LLPC’s CEL Advisory Committee, preferably before the registration period for the course (prior to the semester in which the course will occur—fall for spring courses, spring for fall courses). The course approval forms should be accompanied by a written discussion of how the course will meet the off-campus and written or creative work requirements for community engaged learning.
  • Students using sustained experiences should submit a proposal for their activity to the CEL Advisory Committee before the registration period of the semester one year prior to their expected graduation (for example, spring 2006 for spring 2007 graduates). Final approval is contingent on completion of their written or creative work and documentation of their 15 hours of work.


Faculty development programs will be provided by the Bonner Center for Civic and Community Engagement and the Office of Civic Leadership Development.

The programs will include

The Director and Associate Director of the Bonner Center and the Director of the Office of Civic Leadership Development will provide:

  • Direct support for the design of community engaged learning activities.
  • Assistance in identifying organizations that are suitable that can offer off-campus work experiences.
  • A competitive stipend program will exist during AY 2005-2006 and AY 2006-2007 to support the addition of community engaged learning activities to existing courses. The program will provide modest stipends for course design and completion of community engaged learning assessment tools.
  • Nationwide best practices, published work, and web-based resources on community engaged learning course design, program design, community work, and assessment methods will be catalogued.
  • Approved course syllabi and examples of students’ written work will be deposited in a portfolio of community engaged learning.