Eye gaze systems provide a means of computer access for individuals who do not have use of their hands, feet or head. Simply by focusing their gaze on keys displayed on a computer monitor, users can browse the Internet, access augmentative communication systems, type, and use environmental controls.
Sweden-based Tobii Technology ( markets an augmentative communication device called the My Tobii P10 which integrates a 15” monitor, eye control device and computer into one unit. It can be used as a desktop system or mounted on a wheelchair. The My Tobii comes with VS Communicator software and onscreen features such as the SymbolStix symbols for communication, a Text Editor and Document Browser program for writing, and an Internet browser for Web surfing. The Windows environment can be navigated by eye control of the mouse cursor. Tobii Technology also offers an eye gaze option on its Tobii C12, which is a smaller portable augmentative communication device.