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Technology, Educators, and Children with Disabilities - NJ

TECH-NJ, written by students and faculty of TCNJ, is designed to support professionals, parents, and computer-users in their efforts to use technology to improve our schools and to enhance the lives of people with disabilities.

In order to facilitate local networking, emphasis is placed on resources and innovative practices in and around the New Jersey region.

TECH-NJ is an official publication of the School of Education, Department of Special Education at The College of New Jersey.

TECH-NJ provides outreach and information for the Adaptive Technology Center for New Jersey Colleges, led by Professor Amy G. Dell, Editor-in-Chief, and Anne M. Disdier, Managing Editor.  It is funded by the Special Needs Grant Program of the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education.


Forcina Hall, Room 101

The College of New Jersey

P.O. Box 7718

Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

P) 609.771.2795




Professor Amy G. Dell

Managing Editor

Anne M. Disdier