Pi Mu Epsilon

What Is PME?

Pi Mu Epsilon is dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding. To promote mathematics, the National Pi Mu Epsilon Council sponsors an annual conference in conjunction with the Mathematics Association of America's (MAA) annual MathFest. Traditionally, this conference occurs the first weekend of August. Undergraduate members of Pi Mu Epsilon are encouraged to give a 15 minute presentation on a mathematical topic of interest. The content of the presentation does not have to include original research. Although some presentations may impart new results, the majority often show results of exploration of a topic beyond what is traditionally covered in an undergraduate class. Feel free to contact an officer to verify a topic is suitable for presentation.

In the past, Pi Mu Epsilon has been able to provide travel funds for student speakers at this conference. In addition, the American Mathematical Society has provided funding for awarding cash prizes to outstanding presenters at the meeting. Recognition of all student speakers and prize winners occurs at the PME/MAA banquet. Every student participant should not miss this banquet which recognizes student achievement. After the banquet, PME sponsors the J. Sutherland Frame Lecture. This annual event has a speaker of national recognition present a topic of interest to undergraduate students. This well-attended talk is one of the annual highlights of the conference.

A number of active Pi Mu Epsilon chapters across the country also sponsor regional conferences for student speakers. The Regional Conferences page, which is found under 'Conferences' in the above menu, gives information and links for these events.

In its quest to promote mathematics, Pi Mu Epsilon also sponsors a journal devoted to topics in mathematics accessible to undergraduate students. Papers from students and faculty appear in this refereed forum. The journal also presents a 'Problem' section where a reader can find challenging mathematical problems. Solutions to those problems appear in subsequent editions. For further information link to the PME Journal web page.