Steffen Marcus

Assistant Professor
The College of New Jersey

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Science Complex P231
The College of New Jersey
PO Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628

SCP 245

Research Interests

My research is in moduli theory and algebraic geometry. I work on questions related to moduli of curves, stable maps, Gromov-Witten theory of varieties and orbifolds, logarithmic geometry, and tropical geometry.


I am currently teaching MAT 301. Course websites may be found on Canvas.


Burgess Assistant Professor/Lecturer at The University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT.

Ph.D. under Dan Abramovich at Brown University in Providence, RI. 2011

M.A. in mathematics also at Brown University. 2008

B. Arts & Sc. in the ArtSci program at McMaster University in Hamilton, ON. 2006