lights sculpture furniture

Fellowships / Grants

Recipient of 35 research grants; Released teaching load and funding
The College of New Jersey

1991-2 State of Pennsylvania Crafts Fellowship
Illuminated Sculptures

1990-92 Distinguished Research Award, Forms With Light
Challenge to Distinction Project, T.S.C.

1985-6 State of New Jersey Craftsman Fellowship
Acrylic Forms

1979-80 State of New Jersey Craftsman Felloship, Pewtersmithing

Memory Blocks
25 individual blocks for play
Each: 6" x 6" x 6"
Woods, metals, plastic, parchment, rubber, wax, glass, etc...

All images © 2001 Charles Kumnick

Professor of Art
The College of New Jersey
Hillwood Lakes CN 4700
Trenton, New Jersey 08650-4700

609 771 2654 office
609 637 5193 fax