Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Do you need to be an International Studies major to join?
A: No, anyone who is interested in other cultures or international affairs is welcome to join.
Q: Is any experience needed to participate in Model UN?
A: No experience is necessary, everyone has to start somewhere. Only dedication and genuine interest is required. We look for a variety of qualities in each applicant.
Q: I don't know much about the world. Will that hurt me when I apply?
A: Not at all. Research and dedication to your topic and policies will be necessary but some of our best delegates are those who are willing to publicly speak about topics they have just learned about.
Q: I am not good in front of crowds, but I can write well. Is that useful?
A: Many of our delegates work in a pair. Usually, one person is a very strong speaker while the other partner, is able to write resolutions well. In addition, we train our delegates a few weeks prior to the conference so that each delegate feels a bit more comfortable when making speeches.
Q: Are the conferences all about debating?
A: No. Delegates will enjoy meeting hundreds of students from around the world. Committee sessions can last until the afternoon allowing delegates to explore the surrounding area, hang out with other delegations, and enjoy time off from their committees.