We are happy to report a new publication from our Viburnum work. Published in the June issue of the American Journal of Botany, our paper - A chloroplast tree for Viburnum (Adoxaceae) and its implications for phylogenetic classification and character evolution - proposes a new classification for major clades of Viburnum. Opposed to using a ranked based classification system, this revision provides phylogenetic definitions for 30 major clades following the guidelines of Phylocode. The results are based on a tree reconstructed from next generation sequence data sampled from whole chloroplasts for 22 species of Viburnum and a 10 gene data set of 113 Viburnum species. The results of these analyses represents the most comprehensive Viburnum phylogeny to date. Additionally, we examine the evolution of eight morphological features including inflorescence architecture, bud morphology, leaf morphology and more.