Student Chemists Association
Hello Chemistry Enthusiasts!
On behalf on the Student Chemist Association, I would like to welcome everyone to the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year at TCNJ. The chemistry club would like to invite you to our meetings this semester on Wednesday, Sept. 10th, Sept. 24th, Oct. 8th, Oct. 22nd, Nov. 5th, Nov. 19th, and Dec. 3rd at 12:30 PM in the bridge/link (SCC/P 319). We have some fun things planned for this year, but we would like your input as well. Please use this website as a springboard for events, meetings, and links to important sources. If you are not currently on our email list, please contact us at We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and have a fun and successful spring semester!
Mike Nardone
Vice President: Danielle Pannaccione
Secretary: Josette Marrero
Treasurer: Alex Fuchs
Amanda Prybella