Constitution of The College of New Jersey Student Chemists Association



Article I.    Purpose

The purpose of The College of New Jersey Student Chemists Association shall be to afford an opportunity for students of the chemical sciences to become acquainted with one another, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to foster a professional spirit among the members, and to promote an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist. 


Article II.  Membership

It is hereby acknowledged that The College of New Jersey Student Chemists Association insures that the policies and practices pertaining to the membership of our organization do not discriminate based on sex, race, color, ancestry, national origin, marital status, handicap, age, sexual orientation, and lifestyle.  It is also hereby understood that the only exemptions to this claim may be due to the sex or religious composition of our organization, which is allowable by law.


Membership shall be open to any undergraduate member of the TCNJ community who has an interest in the chemical sciences.  Members must attend at least one Association- sponsored event a semester.  Membership in the TCNJ Student Chemists Association does not imply individual student membership in the American Chemical Society or the American Chemical Society Student Affiliates.


Article III.  Meetings

General meetings will be held at least five times a semester.  Special events will be arranged at any time by the Executive Committee upon approval of the President.


Article IV   Officers and Elections

The officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  These officers comprise the membership of the Executive Committee.


The officers shall be elected at a general meeting during April of the spring semester.  All elections shall be announced to the members of the Association with at least one week notice.  In order to participate in the voting, a student must have been a member of the TCNJ Student Chemists Association for at least one semester prior to the vote and have attended a minimum of three meetings during the previous fall semester.  After nominations are made from the floor, elections shall be held by closed ballots.  After the Executive Committee counts the ballots, the students with the largest number of votes for each elected position will be announced by the current President.  The newly elected Committee members shall take office immediately after the election meeting and shall hold offices for one year or until their successors are duly elected.  The residing President will only be able to vote in the event of a tie for a position other than the presidency.  In the event of a tie for the position of presidency, the residing Vice President will have the deciding vote.  In the event that an officer must vacate a position for any reason, a new election will be promptly held for that position.


Any officer that does not adequately fulfill his or her duties may be removed from office.  The motion of impeachment must come from another officer, but any member of the Association may approach an officer if he/she feels that there is ground for removal.  One week after said motion, an Executive Committee meeting will be called at which all officers and the Faculty Advisor [non-voting (Article VI)] must be present.  A resolution to the conflict will be attempted, including but not limited to 1) the resignation of the impeached officer or 2) probation (as designed by the majority of the Executive Committee).  If no agreement is reached, a trial will be held at which the impeached officer may be removed from office by a unanimous minus one vote.  The officer on trial may not vote.  If voted out of office, the officer may not attend executive board meetings, but may still participate in Association activities.  The officer may never again hold a position on the Executive Committee if he/she has been voted out of office, but may run for a position again in the next yearly elections if he/she resigns.  The vacant Executive Committee position will be filled at the chapter meeting following the trial by closed ballots.


Article V.   Duties of Officers

Members of the Executive Committee are expected to attend all meetings and assist with Club events.


Section I: The President

The Association President shall act as the primary coordinator of all chapter activities.

His/her responsibilities are as follows:

1.      To preside over all meetings and Association functions;

2.      To conduct regular meetings with the Executive Committee;

3.      To organize the recruitment of new members;

4.      To plan the Association’s calendar along with the Executive Committee;

5.      To monitor the progress of activities;

6.      To encourage cooperation and participation of Association members;

7.      To listen to problems, suggestions and complaints of Association members;

8.      To file the Association’s annual report along with the Secretary to TCNJ boards as required;

9.      To represent the Association at special TCNJ or community events.


Section II: Vice President

The Vice President acts for the President when the President is unavailable for Association activities.  The Vice President should help oversee committees and generally share the workload of the President.  The Vice President will serve as a program chair in conjunction with the Executive Committee.


Section III: Treasurer

The Treasurer will manage the finances of the Association.  All financial decisions must be discussed and approved by the Executive Committee.

The responsibilities of the Treasurer are as follows:

1.      To prepare the tentative budget at the beginning of the Association year or at the end of the prior year;

2.      To act as a liaison with other campus organizations as needed, and attend all meetings;

3.      To maintain a detailed log of all financial transactions;

4.      To regularly inform the Executive Committee of the financial status of the; Association

5.      To assist in the organization fund-raisers as required.


Section IV: Secretary

The responsibilities of the Secretary are as follows:

1.      To record the minutes of all meetings;

2.      To compile the membership roster;

3.      To compile calendars of activities;

4.      To handle Association correspondence and publicity;

5.      To submit an organized set of Association records to the faculty advisor and coordinate completion the requisite paperwork (in conjunction with the other members of the Executive Committee) describing Association activities for submission to the national office of the American Chemical Society Student Affiliates at the end of the year (Article VII).

6.      Assist other Executive Committee members in the preparation of necessary reports for recognition and funding with the requisite TCNJ student organizations as required.


Ad-hoc committees can be formed on an as needed basis based on the requirements of the Executive Committee.             


Article VI.    Faculty Advisor

At its annual election, the Association shall elect a Faculty Advisor who is a member of the American Chemical Society and a full-time faculty member of the Chemistry Department.  The President shall be responsible for informing the Faculty Advisor of all chapter activities.  The duties of the Faculty Advisor shall be to advise the TCNJ Student Chemists Association both in its local activities and in its relation with the Local and National Chapters of the American Chemical Society.  If the selected faculty member is unable or unwilling to serve in this capacity, nominations and elections will continue until the position is filled.


Article VII.   Reports

At the end of the academic year, the s Association shall send the National American Chemical Society Student Affiliates office a complete report of its activities (Article V, Section IV, Item 5).  Also, necessary reports for recognition and funding must be filed with the requisite TCNJ student organizations as required. 


Article VIII.    Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members, provided that the amendment was proposed during at least one meeting prior to the time of voting.  Such amendments shall conform to the regulations modeled from The American Chemical Society as established for Student Affiliates Chapters.  All amendments must be approved by the appropriate TCNJ organization before going into effect.


Article IX.    Continuity Clause

Yearly elections are to be held in April to facilitate the transition of officers.  Non-returning students, including but not limited to seniors, may not run for office.  This provides one semester during which the new officers may interact and receive assistance from the veteran officers.  Within one week after the election, the new Treasurer and immediate past Treasurer must initiate the process to transfer signatory power and funds.  This process must be completed by the conclusion of the academic year.


Amended August 28, 2007