Catholic Campus Ministry at TCNJ

Worship Elements

Aspects of Liturgy

Eucharistic Minister

The Eucharistic Minister presents the consecrated Eucharist to the congregation during Communion.


Lectors are the ones that read the Scripture during the mass (first and second readings, and the psalm).


We are adding greeters to our list of positions this year. It is the task of the greeter to meet individuals as they arrive for mass and provide them with a song sheet and possibly other materials that will vary from week to week. This is an important task, as it sets the mood for the congregation.


The sacristans are often overlooked, but are also the ones with the most responsibility. It is their duty to assist the priest (in our case, Father Brown) in preparing for mass. This means preparing the altar area, and making sure all the materials necessary are available for the mass to proceed smoothly.

If you are interested in a liturgy position or would like to know more about these positions, e-mail our VP of Liturgy Feba Chacko.