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Because we are social beings and have self esteems, (which care what others think of us) we are challenged socially and influenced to take on new conforming roles.  We make the decision to accept or reject the social influence that lead us to conform.  In today's society social influence have come in more subtle ways such as emails, virtual games, mass media and music.   In short, this is what I call the art of conforming.  As art is only as beautiful to the eye of the beholder so is conformity in virtual communities.


The Art of Conforming page is comprised of virtual communities that persuade us to conform through the use of the arts and social hobbies.  Whether it's playing an anti-Bush game, listen to music, watching realitytv shows the subliminal message heard, seen or played through games causes us to: 1) focus on the individual, 2) change our views and/or behavior, 3) make future decisions base on new conforming beliefs. Therefore, keep informed of the things that increase or decrease conformity and seek to conform in positive ways.






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