Fall 1996, Vol. 8 No. 1

TARP, in collaboration with The College of New Jersey and the Center for Enabling Technology (CET) in Whippany, NJ, is sponsoring the following workshops free of charge. For information or to register, call the Center for Enabling Technology at (201)428-1455.

Making It Happen: Assistive Technology for Occupational Therapists (AT for OT's)
This workshop will focus on integrating computers and assistive technology into OT and the IEP. Related WWW sites will be explored.
Mon., May 19, '97 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Center for Enabling Technology Whippany, NJ

Making It Happen: Assistive Technology and Students with Disabilities
This presentation demonstrates the power of assistive technology to transform the school experience of students with disabilities. A variety of assistive technology hardware and software that make the computer accessible to individuals with disabilities will be demonstrated. Integrating assistive technology into the IEP and relevant legal mandates will be addressed.
Tues, Apr. 8, '97 10:00 -11:30 LRC Central Old Bridge, NJ
Mon., Apr. 14, '97 10:00 - 11:30 LRC South Sewell, NJ
This workshop is also being presented at several statewide conferences. Call CET for more information.

Using Ke:nx to Provide Access to the World for Children with Physical Disabilities (Hands-on)
Ke:nx allows the user to operate a Macintosh computer and run standard programs with alternate keyboards, switches, onscreen keyboards, and even Morse Code.
Thurs. Apr. 17, '97 10:00 - 12:00 Center for Enabling Technology Whippany, NJ Advanced Ke:nx - Creating

Customized Set-ups with Ke:nx Create (Hands-on)
Participants will learn how to create custom scans and alternate keyboard layouts using Ke:nx Create.
Tues., Apr. 29, '97 10:00 - 12:00 Center for Enabling Technology Whippany, NJ

Creating Customized Overlays for IntelliKeys to Meet Individual Needs (Hands-on)
Particpants will learn how to use Overlay Maker to create custom overlays for Intellikeys, an alternate keyboard.
Tues., May 6, '97 10:00 - 12:00 Center for Enabling Technology Whippany, NJ

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