Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology - Post Secondary (QIAT-PS)
Self Advocacy & Self Determination Indicators
Indicator |
STUDENT Questions |
COLLEGE Questions |
1. Self Awareness: The student is aware of the various factors of his/her disability and is knowledgeable about needed accommodations. |
Can I accurately describe my disability and its impact on my educational process, including educational achievement and participation in academic and campus life activities? |
Are our disability support staff and others trained to work with students with disabilities and assistive technology needs to assist in defining their disability and determining their accommodations? |
2. Self-advocacy: The student understands that under ADA and other federal and state laws, s/he is responsible for disclosure of a disability that requires accommodations in order to gain access to the curricula and materials. |
What do I want to disclose about my disability, and to whom? |
Does the college have a campus culture of inclusiveness that facilitates self-advocacy and provides professional development to staff to enable student-faculty collaboration regarding accommodations and assistive technologies? |
3. Communication: The student has the communication and interpersonal skills to communicate with faculty concerning confidentiality, documentation, evaluation and grievance procedures. |
Can I communicate my needs to the appropriate people in a timely manner? |
Are our marketing materials, course catalogs, procedures, and Web resources accessible and assessed frequently regarding their appropriateness? Do staff have open communication policies? |
4. Self-Advocacy and Leadership: The student makes a self-advocacy plan to guidestaff in the provision of AT and accommodations that allow access to the curriculum and aid independence. |
Do I have a plan regarding the assistive technology I need both for daily living activities and educational success? |
Do we promote an inclusive campus culture and encourage and actively seek input from students with disabilities in assistive technology planning and implementation on campus, in campus living environments, and in online/distance learning environments? |
5. Self-evaluation and Self-Determination: The student evaluateshis/her use of AT and makes adjustments to goals when necessary, including justifying and acquiring any new technology needed. |
Do I understand the difference between my use of AT for daily living and AT for academic use, and what the college will legally provide? |
Do we work with students to make timely changes to assistive technology supports and accommodations that may be necessary for different academic tasks and environments? |
6. Student Initiative and Decision Making: The student independently chooses the appropriate AT for each situation and makes long-term decisions about assistive technology device acquisition and supports. |
Is the assistive technology I need, or have been using, different than what the college provides? |
Do we support the integration of personal assistive technology into the classroom and labs when appropriate, including the provision of professional development when needed? |
7. Assistive Technology Problem Solving: The student identifies problems with AT use, is able to identify the AT supports and services needed to solve AT problems, and communicates these solutions to instructors and disability services staff. |
Do I have a plan to deal with assistive technology problems that may arise? |
Do we promote collaboration between the student, various support services and faculty in solving AT challenges and problems? |