Adaptive Technology Center for New Jersey Colleges
Inventory Available for Loan
For Students with Learning Disabilities
- AlphaSmart 3000: inexpensive, portable word processor for taking notes; connects to any computer for file transfer
- Co:Writer: word prediction software that assists students who are poor spellers (Mac/Win)
- Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred and
Professional: speech recognition software for dictation; requires minimum of 64 mb RAM and 200 MHz Intel processor with MMX technology or equivalent (Win)
- eReader: electronic text reading software for reading aloud web pages and computer files (Mac/Win)
- Inspiration: graphic organizing software for creating concept maps and outlines (Mac/Win)
- Kurzweil 3000: scan/read software that reads aloud any printed or electronic text. It has built-in highlighting and notetaking features to help students with organization (Win)
- Language Master: handheld speaking dictionary, thesaurus, grammar handbook and spelling corrector
- textHELP! Read & Write: screenreading and talking word processing software that works in conjunction with any word
processor, spreadsheet, database, email and the internet (Win)
- textHELP! Type & Talk: talking word processing software (Mac/Win)
- Write:OutLoud: talking word processing software (Mac/Win)
For Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Comtek SMP Personal Listening
System: portable listening system with a neckloop conductor
- TeleCaption 4000: closed caption decoder that connects to any TV, VCR, cable or satellite TV
- Williams Sound Personal FM System: portable listening device that creates a wireless FM sound link between the instructor and the student
For Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
- Braille Blazer:braille embosser; can be used with
Graph-it to create tactile Braille graphs
- Braille Lite: portable, talking Braille notetaker with a seven key Braille keypad and a refreshable Braille display
- Braille' n Speak: talking notetaker with a seven key Braille keypad for input
- Calculators: talking scientific calculator and large print talking calculator
- CCTVs: portable and full-size, for magnifying printed text
- CompuLenz: computer screen enlarger
- Graph-it: tactile graphing software compatible with the
Braille' n Speak, Type' n Speak and
Braille Lite
: screen magnification software (Mac)
- Jaws for Windows, Windows 95 and
NT: screen reading software (Win)
- Kurzweil 1000: scan/read software that reads aloud any printed or electronic text (Win)
- MAGic for Windows NT: screen magnification software
- outSPOKEN: screen reading software (Mac)
- Travelmate VI: 4 track play/record casette player with variable speed control for Library of Congress tapes
- Type' n Speak: talking notetaker with keyboard
- Video Microscope: displays slide image on a 13" color monitor
- Window-Eyes: screen reading software (Win)
- ZoomText xtra Level 2: screen magnification/screen reading software (Win)
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