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Quantitative Reasoning Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2007




Ed Conjura, David Reimer, Paula Maas, Bob Anderson, Orlando Hernandez, Ursula Wolz,

Teresa Nakra (scribe)


Items Discussed and Decided:

1.        Ed Conjura was voted in unanimously as chair of the committee.

2.       It was noted that we do not have the latest version of the QR Course Application Form.  Ed agreed to contact Dan Phillips for the latest edits and notes.  Ed will also refer to the notes of our last meeting (4/18/07) and make edits to the final document.

3.       Teresa Nakra agreed to type up a clean copy of the definition of QR and bring it to the next meeting.  She also agreed to send it to Ed Conjura in the meantime.

4.       Bob Anderson agreed to take the “Perfect World” 2-page report that was written by Sharon Sherman’s subcommittee in spring 2007 to the interim provost for comments.

5.       Ursula Wolz will be representing TCNJ at a conference at Microsoft during the week of Sept. 26; she will report on her experiences at the next meeting.  Ursula also will forward a recent article from the NY Times discussing the issues of formal proofs vs. computational proofs.

6.       The committee agreed that our October goals are to finish refining the Vision and Application documents in subcommittees.  Teresa agreed to convene a subcommittee (comprised of Paula, Bob, Ursula, and Teresa) to reduce the list of goals in the Vision document of 3/21/07).  Ed and Dave agreed to meet as a subcommittee to fix up the Application document with input from Dan Phillips.

7.       The committee agreed that by April 2008, our goal is to post a webpage with updated information about QR including a definition, goals, vision (objectives), and an application form.



Quantitative Reasoning Advisory Committee

The College of New Jersey

P.O. Box 7718

2000 Pennington Rd.

Ewing, NJ 08628
