Physics 262, Advanced General Astronomy

Hints for researching your topic:

1.  First read the Zeilek and Gregory textbook on your topic to get a general background
2.  Go to the library and read other introductory astronomy books on your topic to broaden
     your overview.  The text "The Cosmic Perspective" by Bennett, Donahue, Schneider
     & Voit is a good one
3.  Go to Wikipedia, which gives you the original papers from which it has extracted its
      information.  Try to look up and read these papers.  Do not give Wikipedia as a reference.
4.  Go to the websites for Sky and Telescope Magazine, Science News and Scientific
     American.  You may give the articles in these journals as references but you need to
     cite the author and date as you would for any journal.

Avoid giving a link to a website as a sole reference.  Instead, give the author and
date within the body of your paper.  Under the References section of your paper
also given the website sponsor, such as NASA etc. and then the link.
Topics for Writing

01. Accretion Theory for Formation of Planets
02. Exoplanets
03. Stellar Winds
04. Star Formation
05. Brown Dwarfs
06. White Dwarfs
07. Black Holes
08. Dwarf Novae
09. Novae
10. Supernovae
11. Pulsating Variable Stars
12. Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars
13. Radio Galaxies
14. Dark Matter
15. Dark Energy and the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe
16  Nucleogenesis of the Elements
17. Grand Unified Theories (GUTs)
18. Inflation Theory
19. The Interstellar Medium
20. The Distribution of Galaxies
21. Interacting Galaxies
22. Neutrinoes
23. T Tauri Stars
24. Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs)