Under revision for Winter-Spring 2014
This document will not be finalized until April 11
Some topics may be added, depending on our progress by April 11.
Last edit was made on 04-09-14 at 14:35

Do not show up for the test without a  calculator, ruler and protractor..

Lab Exercises:  6.0, 14.0, 17.0, 17.1, 18.0, 18.7, Ex. 20.0 on radial velocities.

Do all the associated readings in the textbook.  As always, you are not responsible for
any of the things found in the text readings that we have not discussed in class.


Class notes from Chapter 5, section C thru April 8.

ECLIPSES: know the material that is in my on-line document "Lunar Motion
and Eclipses" as well as the material in Ex. 14.0.

Be able to draw the diurnal circle for the Sun on the day of the winter solstice and label where
the Sun is when it rises, sets, and transtis the LCM.Be able to draw the diurnal circle of an
object with any declination for a given latitude.

Be able to determine the altitude and azimuth of a star at rising, setting, UT and LT from
a diagram of its diurnal cirlce in the horizon system.  (Ex. 5.0, 5.2, & 7.0)
How to measure altitude and declination with a protractor, when appropriate.

Kepler's Laws of planetary motion
The relation between latitude and the altitude of the NCP above the north point of the
horizon. (Ex. 6)

Who of the following did what and when?

Aristarchus, Galileo, Herschel,  Hipparchus, Brahe, Kepler, Newton, Kuiper, Oort,
Hubble, Gamow, Lemaitre, Planck,  Wien, Stefan, Boltzmann, Kumar

Solar System Properties

Lesser Solar Satellites: Asteroids, Meteoroids and Comets
Parent Body Theory for meteorites

Solar System Questions:

What is the name of the largest asteroid?
Where is the Kuiper Belt located?
What is the Oort Cloud.
List the 3 structural parts of an active comet.
At what distance from the Sun does a comet nucleus become active?
Where in a parent body do the carbonaceous chondrites originate?
What are the basic physical and orbital properties of coments?
What is the difference between a meteoroid and a meteor and between
    a meteor and a meteorite?
Where are vast majority of all asteroids located in the Solar System.
Which type of meteoritic material was completed melted within a parent
body, the chondrites or the achondrites.
What is a planetesimal?
What is the minmium size of a planetesimal to become a parent body for meteorites?
What is the minimum size for a planetesimal to be nearly speherical rather than irregular
  in shape?

Orgin of the Solar System and Evolution of the Planets
Read the textbook and my Chapter 6
Accretion theory and evidence for its validity.
Dynamic collapse of solar nebula: Gravitational contraction and rotational flattening
Chronology of the formation and evolution of the planets.
Planetesimals and protoplanets
Gravitational sweeping and the great meteoroidal bombardment
Heating mechanisms for the planets, internal and external.

Questions on Origin and Evolution of the Planets:
01.  How do planets cool?
02.  What part of a planet cools off last?
03.  What is the solar nebula?

10.  What is meant by the dynamic collapse of the solar nebula?
11.  What is the main idea of the accretion theory for planetary formation?
12.  What two forces acted in the solar nebula to cause the dust particles to grow into planets?
13.  What are two sources of heat that caused the larger planets to become completely
14.   How long ago did the great meteoroid bombardment end and how do we know this?
15.   Why are there differences in cratering on the different planets and satellites?
16.   List, in chronological order, the different stages in the growth and evolution of the planets.
17.   What is meant by "gravitational sweeping" and what role did it play in planetary
18.  How long did it take for dust particles to form planetesimals?
19.   Why are some planetary bodies irregular in shape and others are not?

Stellar nomenclature and catalogs
The constellations
The solar neighborhood
Binary stars
Stellar distances and the Trignometric parallax method & its limitation.
Proper motion
Measuring apparent magnitudes as in Ex. 18.0
The magnitude system:  apparent and absolute.  Know how the scale works.
Distance modulus
Intrinsic versus apparent brightness and factors determining intrinsic brightness
Luminosity and determining factors
Color magnitudes and color index
Do all the related reading  in the text and course manual such as Ex.  20, sec. I & II on the
Doppler Effect, Doppler Shifts, and how radial velocities are calculated.
The magnitude system:  apparent   Know how the scale works.
intrinsic versus apparent brightness and factors determining intrinsic brightness
Luminosity and determining factors

Questions on Properties of Stars:

Who was the first person to observationally detect and model a shock front in a binary
 star system using ultraviolet spectrophotometry?

01.  What is a binary star?
02.  Approximately how many stars are there in the solar neighborhood?
03.  What is a constellation?
04.  When and where did the constellations originate?
05.  The star name "gamma Orionis"  is nomenclature in whose catalog and when did this originate?
06.  If the measured parallax of a star is 0.12 arcsecs., what is the distance of the star in pc?
07. What is trigonometric parallax?
08. What is the maximum distance a star can have and yet its parallax can be reliably be  measured?
09. What is a parsec?
10. What is the heliocentric distance of a star that has a measured parallax of 0.003 arcseconds.?
11.  What is the apparent magnitude of the faintest stars that the unaided can see?
12.  What is the brightess ratio of 2 stars that differ in brightness by 1 magnitude?
13.  What is the magnitude of a star that is 100 times brighter than magnitude 12.5?
14. Star A has apparent magnitude m = 7.05 while star B has m =9.05.  Which star is brighter
        and by how many times?

16.   What is the difference between apparent brightness and intrinsic brightness?
17.  What are the physical properties of a star that determines its intrinsic brightness
18.  What must be measured to determine the absolute magnitude of a star?
19.  Define absolute magnitude.
20.  What is distance modulus?
21.   The net reading for the brightness of a star in the V bandpass is 55.2 and the amplifier setting
        is 250 x10-8 .  What is the V magnitude of this star, if the calibration constant is -4.56?
22.  A star has an apparent magnitude of 3.45 and an absolute magnitude  4.00.   What is the
        distance modulus for this star?
23.  Is this star closer or farther than 10 parsecs?
24.  What is the nominal absolute magnitude of  a  main sequence star with
       a temperature of 10,000K (Sp. Class A0)?  (Read answer  from the H-R Diagram in the web notes).
25.  What is the most important factor that determinies the strength of a star's spectral liines?

Properties and Laws of electromagnetic radiation
Wavelength and units thereof.
The groups of the electromagnetic spectrum
Laws of radiation: Stefan-Boltzmann, Wien Law, and Planck Laws.
Spectroscopy and formation of stellar spectra
Photosphere and chromosphere of a star
Spectrochemical analysis

Questions on Electromagnetic Radiation and Spectroscopy :
01.  Explain the difference between the Wien Law and Planck's Law of thermal radiation.
02.   What is the type of radiation that is emitted with the greatest intensity by an object with T=600K?
        (apply Wien's Law.)
03   What is the total area under a Black-Body curve related to in terms of the laws of radiation?
04.   List the colors of the visible spectrum in order from longest wavelength to shortest.
05.  List the different groups of the electromagnetic spectrum in order.
06.  The apparent color of a star depends on what physical property of the star?
07.  Why and how is it possible to determine the chemical composition of a star?

09.  Which is shorter in wavelength, red or infrared?
10.  To what is the ampltude of a wave related?
11.  The color we perceive for a given EM ray depends on the wavelength or the amplitude?
12. What is meant by a "blue/red shift"?  See Ex. 20, sec. I.
13.   In the spectrum of a certain star the measured wavelength of a certain absorption line is
        6560 Angs., whereas the rest wavelength for this line is 6562 Angs. Is this star approaching
        or receding from us?   Calculate what the radial velocity of this star is from Doppler's
        Equation.   See Ex.. 20.

Some othe possible questions for the test and to ponder while studying:

1.    If the measured parallax of a star is 0.12 arcsecs., what is the distance of the star in pc?
2.    What must be measured to determine the absolute magnitude of a star?
3.    What is the maximum distance a star can have and yet its parallax can be measured?
4.    What is a parsec?  Always give the conceptual definition rather an approximate numerical value
        of some othr unit of distance.
5.   What is distance modulus?
22.  What is the Mass-Luminosity Law and for which stars is it valid?
23.  What type of star would have a temperature of 4000K and an absolute magnitude of -1.0?

The H-R Diagram
Terms used in conjunction with the groupings of stars in the H-R Diagram, such as,
main sequence, white dwarfs, red giants, etc., and the properties of these stars.
Mass-Luminosity Law.
Luminsoity classes:  Know the Roman numerals for stellar luminosity classes and the locii in the
   H-R  Diagram.
Spectroscopic parallax method.  Study example givern in class and at the end of Chap. 7.
Distance modulus.
How the surface temperature of a star may be determined.

H-R Diagram Questions:
01.   What do the statistical groupings of stars in the H-R Diagram represent?
02.  Which are more luminous, white dwarfs  or red giants?
03.  What is the difference between an O9 main sequence star and an O9 blue giant?
04.   What type of star would have a temperature of 4000K and an absolute magnitude of -1.0?
05.  Which stars are hotter, red dwarfs or  red supergiants?
06.  Which stars are smaller, white dwarfs or  yellow dwarfs?
07.  Which star emits more visible radiation, an F5 star  or  an B5 star?
08.  Which  star is hotter,  a B2 star or an O9 star?
09.  Which are more luminous, white dwarfs  or red giants?
10.  What is the nominal absolute magnitude of  a  main sequence star with a temperature of  10,000K?
        (Read answer from the H-R Diagram in the web notes)
11.  What is the Mass-Luminosity Law and for which stars is it valid?
12.   Find the star Alnitak in Figs. 59.3 and 59.5, pages 469-471, in S&A and determine the following for this star:
        The spectral type, temperature, luminosity in terms of the Sun's,  mass in solar units, and liminosity class.
        This question will be on the test.
13.  From the textbook:  Who was the astronmer that did most of the spectral class assignments for the
        Henry Draper atalog.
14.  Which star emits more visible radiation, an F5 star  or  an B5 star?
15.  Which  star is hotter,  a B2 star or an O9 star?
16.  Why and how is it possible to determine the chemical composition of a star?
17.   In the H-R Diagram, why are most stars found to define a locus called the main sequence?
The following question or one very similar to it will be on the test/:
18.   A certain star has an apparent visual magnitude of 7.22, its spectral type is M2 and its luminosity class is Ia.
        A. What is the absolute visual magnitude of this star?
        B.  What is the distance modulus of this star?
        C.  What is the distance of this star?
Use the H-R Diagram on page 473 in  S&A, or the one at the end of my Chap.  9, where Lum. Class I is mid-way
between Ia and Ib, or the one in EX. 18.7.

Stellar Evolution
Stellar Evolution rates. Interplay of gravity and gas pressure.
Gravitational potential energy versus thermal energy and temperature.
Evolutionary tracks in H-R Diagram.
Hydrostatic Equllibrium.
The relationship between temperature and kinetic energy of atoms.
Nebular, protostar stages of stellar evolution.
Dark gloibules
T Tuari stars.
Characteristics of each stage of evolution:  what is going on inside of star.
Defining characteristics of main sequence stars.
Photosphere, ZAMS, Kumar Limit.  Brown Dwarfs.
Stellar Evolution  Shell-hydrogen Burning Stage.
Post main sequence stages of evolution
The role of degenerate electron pressure.
Evolution of the Sun

Stellar Evolution Questions:
01.  How does a protostar generate energy and what is the source of the energy?
02.  What is the source of energy for the radiation emitted by a protostar?
03.  What is a dark globule?
05. What is a T Tauri star?
06.  What is a brown dwarf?
07.  What are the defining characteristics of a main sequence star?
21.  What stage of stellar evolution follows the main sequence stage?
22.  What stage of evolution immediately preceeds the main sequence stage?
23.  What is the relationship between the Kumar Limit and brown dwarfs?
24. What is meant by the helium flash?
23.  Draw the evolutionary track for a star like the Sun in the H-R Diagram and label the
      different stages of evolution along the track.  See the charts on page 516 of the textbook
      and the one in section B-7 of my Chapter on stellar evolution.
24.  When does the helium flash take place.
25.   When does the planetary nebula state occur?

The following material will not be
on test 3.

How stars are changing the chemical composition of the galaxy.
Final Stages of stellar evolution:
The Chandrasekhar Limit
Properties of white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes.
The critical or Schwarzschild radius, or event horizon. .
Doppler Principle and measuring radial velocity, blue and red Doppler shifts.

Stellar Evolution Questions:

08.  What is an RR Lyrae star?  Look up in textbook.
09.  What is a Cepheid Variable star?  Look up in textbook.

26.  What causes a supernova event?
27. What are the 3 possible final states of stellar evolution and the mass criterion for each?
28.  What are the physical differences between white dwarfs and red dwarfs.
29.  How do stars alter the chemical composition of the galaxy?

40.   What balances gravity in a white dwarf star?
41    What is the value for the Chandrasekhar limit?
42.   If a star with a mass of 8 solar masses looses 6 solar masses during a supernova
        explosion, what will be the final stage of evolution for this star?
45. What important effect do massive stars have on the galactic interstellar medium?
46. Why would we not expect to find planetary systems around the first generation of stars that formed
       in the Galaxy?

47. What are the physical properties of neutron stars?
48.  What is the final stage of evolution for the Sun?
49.  How can a star with a mass 10 times the Sun's become a white dwarf star?

Galaxies and Cosmology (Chaps. 12 & 13)
Galelei and the Milky Way
Herschel and the Island Universe Theory.
Types of Star Clusters
Determining the Ages of Star Clusters; "Turnoff Point" on the main sequence.
Leavitt and the Period Luminosity Law
Shapley and the determination of the distances of globular clusters.
Structural parts of a typical spiral galaxy;  Baade & Stellar Populations,
The physical characteristics of gloubular and open clusters.
The interstellar medium
The Magellanic Clouds, Local Group
Galactic mergers
The different kinds of galaxies.
Hubble's Law and what it means
The Big Bang Theory
Hubble and the expanding universe:  Hubble Diagram, Hubble's Constant, Hubble's Law and
Hubble's Conclusion.

01  Who first made an attempt to determine the distribution of stars around the Sun
       and when?
02   From the  textbook reading: In the early 1900s, who was the Dutch astronomer that made
       improvements in Herschel's model of the island universe or our galaxy.
03.  Who discovered the Period-Luminosity Law and who calibrated it?
04.  From the textbook readings:  What is a RR Lyrae star
05.   Describe the work done by Shapley on the structure of our galaxy?
06.   When and who determined the distances of the globular clusters and thereby the size of our island
       universe and the location of the Sun within it?
07.   Who determined the fact that the Sun is not located at the center of our Galaxy and when?
08.   Where are the open clusters located in a galaxy?
09.   What is the diameter of the Milkyway Galaxy?
10.   How many stars are there typically in a globular cluster.
11.    Are there open clusters that have as many stars as a globular cluster?
12.   What is the minimum number of stars in a galaxy?
13. From the  textbook reading: Which stars in a galaxy are believed to have formed first,
        the halo stars or the disk stars?
14.    Where are the different Populations of stars located in a galaxy?
15.    Compare the properties of Population I stars with Population II stars.

20.   From the  textbook readings:  What is the wavelength of radiation emitted by HI atoms
        in the cold interstellar medium and is detected by radio telescopes.
21.    What is the name of the supercluster to which our Local Group belongs?
22.    What is the distance of the most distant galaxy that has been observed?
23.    What type of galaxies appear to have very little gas and dust clouds?
24.    Who first determined the distance of the Andromeda Nebula proving that it was a galaxy,
         when and how?
25.   When and who first proved that the spiral nebulae were actualy other galaxies or island universes
        like ours.