The accretion theory
that the Sun's satellites grew gradually from cold, solid particles that
collided and stuck together.
This process of growth, through random
collisions, from microscopic grains to asteroids and planets took between
50,000 to 1 million
years, as evidenced from the analysis
of radioactive gases in meteorites. Dust grains (silicates, metals, graphite,
and hydrocarbons)
are a natural part of the interstellar
medium, along with a variety of molecules, such as, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide,
hydrogen cyanide, methyl cyanide, simple
alcohols, carbon monoxide, water, and many others. In addition, supernovae
enrich the interstellar medium with many
differen radioactive elements in much greater abundance than one finds
presently in the
Solar System.
The material that now
forms the Solar System separated from the interstellar medium 5 to 6 billion
years ago as a relatively dense
and opaque primordial cloud of gas and
dust slowly undergoing gravitational contraction. This cloud is called
the solar nebula. As
the solar nebula contracted, the conservation
of angular momentum demands that the cloud began to rotate faster and faster.
rotation caused the cloud to dynamically
flatten into a disk. See Figure 1. The densest part of the cloud was at
the center of the
rotating disk and this part contracted
faster than the outer parts of the disk to become the Sun. Hence, the Sun's
rotation indicates
the original direction of rotation of
the primordial disk. As the Sun contracted, it left behind dust and gas
that continued to revolve
around the Sun in the same direction as
the original rotation of the disk. This material eventually accreted to
form the planets and,
hence, the planets revolve around the
Sun in the same direction that the Sun rotates on its axis.
Figure 1. Three stages in the evolution of the Solar Nebula into the Solar System.
The rotational flattening
and gravitational contraction (together called the dynamic
collapse) of the material in the
remaining portions of the disk caused
the gases to interact chemically to produce more complex molecules.
Sometimes the
microscopic dust particles in the cloud
served as catalytic surfaces for such reactions to take place. At the same
time, the
dynamical collapse of the primordial cloud
caused the dust grains to collide more and more often, resulting in their
together and growing larger and larger
and incorporating some of the molecules, mentioned above, into their structures.
a time somewhere betwee 50,000 years to
several hundred thousand years (the exact time is highly debated), the
had grown to form many objects that were
about 10 to 500 km in diameter called planetesimals
(W. K. Hartmann, a planetary
expert at the Univ. of Arizona, defines
a planetesimal to range in size from sub-millimeter to 1000 km, but there
is no official
IAU definition for the size of a planetesimal).
Dust ---------------------------------------> Planetesimals
Between 50,000 and several 105 years
Sometimes these planetesimals
would collide at high speeds and break apart into smaller fragments. It
is believed that the
majority of meteoroids that
hit the Earth's surface (meteorites) even today are produced by such collisions
that continue to
occur in the asteroid belt.
However, sometimes two planetesimals would collide at low speeds and stick
together to form
even larger objects up to
1000 km in diameter. The result of a slow collision between two planetesimals
has sometimes
resulted in a body whose
growth was stalled, for some reason. Radar studies of the asteroids have
revealed at least two
such objects. One is called
Castalia and the other Tautatis. See Figure 2 below, which shows a radar
representation of
Castalia. The existence
of such bodies is evidence of the accretion process by which the planets
formed from smaller
bodies. Objects such as
Castalia and Tautatis may have formed late, in a stable solar orbit, after
the major planets have
swept up most of the planetesimals
and other meteoroids.
Figure 2. Asteroid 4709,
Castalia, as shown above, is a computer-generated representation
of the object made from
radar observations. The object is approximately 1.8 Km in diameter.
(Adapted from a NASA photograph)
that grew to sizes in excess of 250 to 300 km by numerous fusion collisions
reached a critical mass for their growth
and they are referred to as planetesimals.
Some astronomer even refer to them as protoplanets. As these bodies moved
in orbit
around the primordial Sun, they began
to grow more rapidly by gravitationally attracting smaller bodies that
were located near
their orbital paths. The greater the mass
they acquired, the greater the gravitational reach they had and the faster
they grew.
This process of growth is called
The infall of material
onto the protoplanets became so intense that the energy released in the
collisions melted their surfaces
to a depth of many kilometers. See Figure
3 below.
Figure 3. A drawing showing a planetesimal undergoing gravitational sweeping
well as interior melting from the release of energy by the decay of trapped,
lived, radioactive elements. This is a stage similar to panel A in Figure
At the
same time, the interiors of these bodies were heated by the energy released
from the decay of trapped radioactive
elements. From the
assumed abundances of such short lived isotopes as Al26, I129,
and Pu244 , it has been calculated that the
amount of energy released
was so great that it caused the interior to melt, if the planetary body
was 50 km in diameter or larger.
See panel A in Figure 4.
On the other hand, if the diameter was less than 50 km, this heat escaped
through the surface of the
object too fast and could
not accumulate to melt the interior.
It is believed that these two sources of heat, an external one and an internal one, were:
An intense meteoroidal bombardment as a result of gravitational sweeping
The release of energy as a result of the decay of trapped, short
lived, radioactive elements,
These two sources caused
the larger planetary bodies to become entirely molten. See panel
B in Figure 4. In such a state,
gravitation separation of
the elements took place thereby giving rise to a chemically differentiated
planet. That is, the heavier
elements sank to the center
of the body while the lighter elements rose to higher layers. Also,
their self gravities would cause
them to become spherical
in shape, or oblate spheroids if they rotated very fast. Smaller objects,
whose surfaces were not melted,
remained whatever shapes
they acquired as a result of the random collisions of the accretion process,
unless the body had a
sufficiently large mass
that its surface was strong enough to overcome rigid body forces and form
a spherically shaped object.
That latter critcal size
is in the neighborhood of 300 km in diameter. But this depends on
the chemical composition of the body.
Eventually the planetary bodies achieve
their final sizes when most of the smaller, solid bodies had
been swept up or the smaller bodies moved
in stable orbits out of gravitational reach of the larger
planets. These smaller bodies are the
minor planets or asteroids that exist today in the Solar System.
As the amount of infalling material decreased,
the planetary surfaces started to cool and solidify. Any
further infall of material then began
to form permanent craters on the surfaces of the terrestrial like
planets. This apparently started
about 4.6 billion years ago as evidenced from the oldest rocks found
on our moon. See panel C in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Stages in the evolution of a planetary body. Panel A shows
a body beginning to
undergo gravitational sweeping as the interior melts from energy released
by trapped
radioactive elements. In B, the body has become entirely molten and gravity
gives it a
Further cooling of the
planets produced cracks in the crust, allowing molten material from the
interior to gush upward onto the surface
and fill in the lower levels or basin areas. It is believed the
lava plains that are the maria of our
moon, other moons, and Mercury were formed in this way. See
panel D in Fig. 4. The infall of material
or great meteoroid bombardment had nearly ended 3.5 billion
years ago, since the rock samples
brought back by the Apollo astronauts from the lunar maria are
this old and the maria show little cratering.
As the Sun evolved,
it became smaller and hotter. Five billion years ago, the Sun was as large
as the orbit of Pluto. Hence, the planets
could not have existed at this time. As the Sun became
hotter, radiation pressure and the solar
wind blew all the lighter gases, such as hydrogen and helium,
away from the inner regions of the solar
system. Hence there is a lack of these light elements in the
compositions of the inner planets today.
On the other hand, the Jovian planets were located
sufficiently far from the Sun that they
were able to hold onto their extensive primordial atmospheres.
This explains one of the major differences
between these two classes of planets.
In the outer regions
of the solar system, where the temperature environment was lower, the more
volatile materials such as water and carbon
dioxide were able to remain as ices that were incorpor-
ated into the surfaces of the satellites
of the giant planets. In fact, Pluto and its moon Charon are
made of a great deal of ice. The comets,
which are also made of a large amount of ice, formed by
accretion in the outermost regions of
the solar system. It is estimated that about 100 billion such
objects form a spherical shell around
the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 AU. This shell is called
the Oort Cloud.
Another locus of cometary
nuclei, called the Kuiper Belt, has been detected to extend from near
the orbit of Pluto and beyond for some
unknown distance less than 50,000 AU. It is estimated that
the Kuiper belt contains many thousands
of small icy bodies and the TNOs. The cometary nuclei
in this belt move within a volume of space
shaped like a doughnut or toroid, rather than in a
spherical cloud or flattened disk.
To date, more than 100 individual objects have been discovered
moving in distinct orbits in the Kuiper
Copyright 2003. by R. J. Pfeiffer
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
The College of New Jersey