The College of New Jersey
Lions’ Emergency Medical Services
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines
The College of New Jersey Lions’ Emergency Medical Services
Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures
i. Eligibility Requirements
1. Must have been an actively responding member of Lions’ EMS for at least 3 semesters, which need not be consecutive
2. Must have served in either an elected line or organization\administrative officer (includes chairpersons) position for at least 1 semesters prior to election
3. Must be a be certified Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (or higher) and be recognized in the state of New Jersey, for at least one year, as of 5 days before the first semester of service.
4. Must be currently certified in professional rescuer or healthcare provider CPR
5. Must be a Lions’ EMS “crew chief” EMT at the time of election
6. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in the second level of Incident Command System (ICS-200).
7. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in Hazardous Materials Awareness
8. Must meet Student Leadership Criteria (2.5 cumulative GPA, no active disciplinary sanction probation or higher)
9. Must be fully matriculated into the college, with at least 12 attempted credits per semester.
10. Must reside on campus
11. This officer will be suspended from his/her position, pending a hearing, if all of these requirements are not met by 5 days prior to the first day of the first semester of service, or at any time during tour of duty
ii. Duties
1. Report directly to the advisors
2. Administer normal day to day business of the organization and the Quick Response Team (QRT), and assign duties to the Executive Vice President and Deputy Chief for execution
3. Oversee all line and organization officers
4. Serve as the representative to other departments/agencies/media
5. Attend and lead all regular meetings of the organization, executive board, and executive council meetings
6. Serve as a member of the executive council; convene meetings as necessary
7. Compile monthly statistics and submit to organization advisors prior to the 4th Monday of each month
8. Ensure that Bylaws and Standard operating procedures are being followed
9. Suggest a candidate for election of Parliamentarian
10. Assign duties to line and organization officers as needed
11. Meet with organization advisors at least once a month.
12. Serve as a convener and a member of the disciplinary board
13. Temporarily suspend members who have violated any procedure of the organization necessitating removal from service or violations of college regulations (after consultation with advisors)
14. Run at least one leadership development activity for each semester
15. Plan the meeting and drill schedule prior to the beginning of each semester
16. Conduct member orientations as needed
17. Plan standby events
18. Sign training-fund forms as needed, submit copies to the files of the Training Officer, Captain 138-1
19. Plan a mass-casualty disaster drill each academic year
20. Approve expenditures of less than $15.00
21. Serve as a rotating officer on call
22. Act as liaison to the service learning department
23. Serve as primary medical officer and incident commander of any scene which s/he is at
24. Make temporary policy decisions (after consultation with advisors), which will stand, unless objected to by the Executive Vice President or Deputy Chief in an Executive Council Meeting
25. Write a policy manual governing yearly requirements for line officers for numbers of monthly regular weeknight shifts, weeknight officer on call shifts, weekend regular shifts, and weekend officer on call shifts. Include other orientation information in this manual. Must be approved unanimously by the line officers.
i. Eligibility
1.Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
2.Must meet Student Leadership Criteria
3.Must have been a member of LEMS for at least two semesters, which need not be consecutive at the time of election
ii. Duties
1. Act as primary “club” operations officer
2. Assist in the operations of all meetings, drills, and executive board sessions
3. Assume the duties of the President when s/he is unable to do so (on the organization level)
4. Supervise the VP for MS and SE, the Treasurer, and Secretary
5. Serve as a member of the executive council; request a meeting when necessary
6. Ensure that bylaws and QRT Standard operating procedures are being adhered to. If there is a violation, report to the Chief immediately. If the Chief has allegedly committed a violation, immediately convene an Executive Council meeting with advisors present
7. Keep a calendar of due dates for projects and payments
8. Help to allow equal opportunity for scheduling and standby selection
9. Initiate and return correspondence relating to LEMS membership
10. Serve as a member of the disciplinary board
11. With the approval of the President, suggest the motion to place members to non-voting positions of responsibility including, but not limited to: Webmaster, Associate Treasurer, Training Director, etc.
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
2. Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
3.Must have been a member of LEMS for at least two semesters, which need not be consecutive at the time of election
ii. Duties
1. Organize member recruitment events like the Activities fair
2. Assist with service learning students.
3. Organize a blood pressure screening once each semester.
4. Serve as Campus Wellness liaison for the Wellness Expo
5. Make photographs of LEMS events, participation, standbys, etc, and work with publicity to publish online
6. Supervise the Chairpersons, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
7. Work with other officers (line or executive) to address member concerns
8. Coordinate member of the week awards
9. Organize an end-of the year squad dinner
10. Keep records for guaranteed housing; submit a proposal to the executive board as to how guaranteed housing points should be allocated based on hours served, meetings attended, etc. Get final approval from advisors.
11. Serve as Non-voting clerk of the disciplinary board
12. Keep a list of members who volunteer to advise the accused at disciplinary hearings
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5
days prior to the first day of the semester
have been a member of LEMS for at least two semesters, which need not be
consecutive at the time of election
ii. Duties
1. Keep an up-to date listing of member names, home addresses, phone numbers, campus addresses, phone numbers, member ID numbers, and leadership positions
2. Make copies of necessary orientation documents through the office of campus life
3. Keep specific minutes of General Membership Meetings, Drills, and Executive Board Meetings. Use motion-cards when appropriate (see Roberts Rules of Order) E-mail these minutes to the appropriate members/advisors within 48 hours after the meeting
4. Write and send get well and sympathy cards to members when advised to do so in a meeting
5. Handle the e-mail account; forward messages to the appropriate officer, as directed to do so by the Chief/President
6. Take attendance at all executive, general membership, and drill meetings
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
2.Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
3.Must have been a member of LEMS for at least two semesters, which need not be consecutive at the time of election
ii. Duties
1. Approve expenditures of less than $15.00. Amounts over that amount must be approved by the entire executive board.
2. Maintain accounting for all Fundraising Account Monies
3. Maintain accounting for administrative funding
4. Maintain accounting for Student Finance Board Budgeted items
5. Deposit and withdraw funds from SFB accounts within 3 days of receiving full funds or reimbursements
6. Work with President and Advisor to develop SFB and administrative budgets for the next fiscal year
7. Submit SFB special appropriations requests
8. Serve as a member of the fundraising committee
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
2. Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
ii. Duties
1. Organize at least 2 fundraising events/projects each semester, or oversee if delegated to other committee members
2. Recruit members for the fundraising committee
3. Hold 1 fundraising committee meeting each month in which there are at least 15 academic days
4. Work with Treasurer to get fundraising methods approved by the executive board, advisors, and SFB if necessary
5. Serve as liaison to outside fundraising agencies
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
2. Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
ii. Duties
1. Keep a running list of issues that may need to be addressed in the next bylaws or SOP’s
2. Investigate, with the approval of President and Advisors opportunities for expanding services and securing benefits for members
3. Recruit members for the fundraising committee
4. Hold 1 growth committee meeting each month in which there are at least 15 academic days
h. Publicity Committee Chair
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
2. Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
ii. Duties
1. Recruit members for the publicity committee
2. Hold 1 publicity committee meeting each month in which there are at least 15 academic days
3. Organize a yearly 911 awareness campaign
4. Post flyers, posters, etc. with meeting times and CPR classes
5. Update the website. Suggest the election of a non-voting webmaster..
i. Eligibility
1. Must meet student leadership criteria
2. Must have current first aid, (or EMT), professional CPR, and SAED certifications by 5 days prior to the first day of the semester
ii. Election
1. The President shall nominate a parliamentarian for office
2. The Executive Vice President may nominate (these positions are not required to have full executive board) a Webmaster, Associate Treasurer, Training Director, etc.
3. A simple majority vote by the membership will approve all of these positions.
4. If another member wishes to hold that position, as designated by a motion from the floor, a full election will occur.
iii. Duties
1. Parliamentarian: Ensure that meetings are adhering to the latest addition\revision of Roberts Rules of Order; Attend all executive board and general membership meetings
2. Other Positions: Duties as suggested by the Executive Vice President and affirmed by a majority vote of the executive board; may attend executive board meetings at the discretion of the Executive Vice President.
C. Line Officers of the Quick Response Team (QRT)
i. Eligibility
1. Must have been an actively responding member of Lions’ EMS for at least 3 semesters, which need not be consecutive
2. Must be a be certified Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (or higher) and be recognized in the state of New Jersey, for at least one year, as of 5 days before the first semester of service.
3. Must be currently certified in professional rescuer or healthcare provider CPR
4. Must be a Lions’ EMS “crew chief” EMT at the time of election
5. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in the second level of Incident Command System (ICS-200)
6. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in Hazardous Materials Awareness
7. Must meet Student Leadership Criteria (2.5 cumulative GPA, no active disciplinary sanction probation or higher
8. Must be fully matriculated into the college, with at least 12 attempted credits per semester.
9. Must reside on campus
10. This officer will be suspended from his/her position, pending a hearing, if all of these requirements are not met by 5 days prior to the first day of the first semester of service, or at any time during tour of duty
ii. Duties
1. Schedule all night, weekend, and if applicable, day shifts, post schedule online, keep records of how many shifts and standby events each member has done
2. Coordinate Officer-on-Call Schedule
3. Attend all executive board, advisor, and executive council meetings
4. Assume the QRT duties of the Chief if s/he is unable to do so
5. Supervise the Captain-level officers
6. Serve as chair of the board of crew chiefs
7. serve as a member of the disciplinary board
8. Serve as a rotating officer on call
9. Conduct member orientations as needed
10. Serve as a resource for members
11. Assist in the compilation of statistics
12. Serve as an advisor to one-fourth of the responding membership, as designated by Chief.
13. Orient new members as assigned by the Personnel Officer
14. Serve as a member of the executive council
15. Serve as incident commander in the absence of the Chief
i. Eligibility
1. Must have been an actively responding member of Lions’ EMS for at least 2 semesters, which need not be consecutive
2. Must be a be certified Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (or higher) and be recognized in the state of New Jersey, for at least one year, as of 5 days before the first semester of service.
3. Must be currently certified in professional rescuer or healthcare provider CPR
4. Must be a Lions’ EMS “crew chief” EMT at the time of election
5. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in the first level of Incident Command System (100 in New Jersey, Level 1 for FEMA)
6. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in Hazardous Materials Awareness
7. Must meet Student Leadership Criteria (2.5 cumulative GPA, no active disciplinary sanction probation or higher
8. Must be fully matriculated into the college, with at least 12 attempted credits per semester.
9. This officer will be suspended from his/her position, pending a hearing, if all of these requirements are not met by 5 days prior to the first day of the first semester of service, or at any time during tour of duty
ii. Duties
1. Plan and execute all normal drill-meetings, (at least 3 per semester), scheduled by the Chief/President
2. Work with American Red Cross Instructors to plan at least 3 CPR/AED classes each semester, 2 first aid classes, 1 oxygen administration class, and 1 Emergency Responder Class per semester
3. Process requests for Medical Leaves of Absence
4. Work with Secretary to keep member files up to date with information forms, confidentiality statements, orientation statements, copies of physical and immunization cards, and current certifications. Inspect files at the start and middle of semester to make sure that they are up to date
5. Coordinate member orientations with Chief
6. Do other duties as assigned by the Chief or Deputy Chief
7. Serve as chairperson of the disciplinary board
8. Sign EMT training fund forms and keep files of those
9. Recruit members for Emergency Medical Technician and Emergency Responder training classes. Assist members with paperwork
10. It is recommended, though not compulsory, that the Training Captain be trained in CPR instruction so that he or she may aid in administering CPR courses to the organization. Any training to attain this certification will be compensated by LEMS.
11. Work to bring CEU classes to campus
12. Serve as a rotating officer on call
13. Serve as an advisor to one-fourth of the responding membership
14. List upcoming CEU classes on the Website through the Publicity Chair and/or Webmaster
15. Conduct Quality Assurance reading of all call reports. Submit incorrect or incomplete reports to the Chief for followup.
16. Must reside on campus
i. Eligibility
1. Must have been an actively responding member of Lions’ EMS for at least 2 semesters, which need not be consecutive
2. Must be a be certified Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (or higher) and be recognized in the state of New Jersey, for at least one year, as of 5 days before the first semester of service.
3. Must be currently certified in professional rescuer or healthcare provider CPR
4. Must be a Lions’ EMS “crew chief” EMT at the time of election
5. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in the first level of Incident Command System (100 in New Jersey, Level 1 for FEMA)
6. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in Hazardous Materials Awareness
7. Must meet Student Leadership Criteria (2.5 cumulative GPA, no active disciplinary sanction probation or higher
8. Must be fully matriculated into the college, with at least 12 attempted credits per semester.
9. This officer will be suspended from his/her position, pending a hearing, if all of these requirements are not met by 5 days prior to the first day of the first semester of service, or at any time during tour of duty
10. Must Reside on Campus
ii. Duties
1. Serve as a rotating officer on call
2. Assign numbers to all permanent equipment, including CPR mannequins, training materials, bags, radios, chargers, jackets, etc.
3. Do an inventory every two weeks of disposable equipment. Order more if necessary – must be approved by chief and treasurer
4. Be first to assist members with access to the equipment room after hours
5. Coordinate the repair of radios and chargers with a repair company
6. Keep records of oxygen canister tests, and have oxygen re-filled as needed
7. Maintain the defibrillator units for Lions’ EMS and Campus Police
8. Serve as an advisor to one-fourth of the responding membership
9. Serve as the Lions’ EMS representative to the disciplinary board
10. Supply Treasurer with amount of money spent on equipment
11. Regularly submit proposals for new capital equipment to the executive board
12. Check expiration dates on glucose, sterile water, saline, defibrillator pads, etc, every month.
i. Eligibility
1. Must have been an actively responding member of Lions’ EMS for at least 2 semesters, which need not be consecutive
2. Must be a be certified Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (or higher) and be recognized in the state of New Jersey, for at least one year, as of 5 days before the first semester of service.
3. Must be currently certified in professional rescuer or healthcare provider CPR
4. Must be a Lions’ EMS “crew chief” EMT at the time of election
5. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in the first level of Incident Command System (100 in New Jersey, Level 1 for FEMA)
6. Must be currently certified as of 5 days prior to the first semester of service in Hazardous Materials Awareness
7. Must meet Student Leadership Criteria (2.5 cumulative GPA, no active disciplinary sanction probation or higher
8. Must be fully matriculated into the college, with at least 12 attempted credits per semester.
9. This officer will be suspended from his/her position, pending a hearing, if all of these requirements are not met by 5 days prior to the first day of the first semester of service, or at any time during tour of duty
10. Must reside on campus
ii. Duties
1. Serve as a member of the disciplinary board
2. Coordinate the All-Call system – identify and recruit eligible members, schedule variable personnel (Conflicts with Deputy Chief), and ensure that the all-call standard operating procedures are adhered to
3. Assist with ordering and stocking equipment as requested by the Equipment Officer
4. Organize, with the vice president for member services, activities related to member recruitment
5. Work with Chief to plan a mass-casualty drill each academic year
6. Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Chief or Deputy Chief
7. Serve as a team leader to one-fourth of the responding membership
8. Provide equipment for standby and special events like blood pressure screening
9. Assist chief with service learning students
10. Assume duties of either Captain if that person cannot full his/her duties (as directed by the Executive Council)
D. Executive Council
i. The Executive council shall consist of the Chief/President, Executive Vice President, and Deputy Chief
ii. If one of these positions is vacant, the next officer in line will assume the position, as directed to do so by the lead officer.
iii. The executive council will be facilitated by the Chief/President
iv. No meetings shall be held without all three members present
v. All meetings will be closed-session, unless otherwise requested by a council member
i. The executive council is designed to inhibit abuse of power by any single Chief or lead operations officer.
ii. The executive council may address sensitive membership issues, that would be harmful if discussed at the full executive board
iii. The executive council will discuss issues and attempt to find a solution.
iv. The EC is NOT meant to be punitive, but rather to address problems before they are progressed and made worse
i. Any EC member has the authority to convene a meeting if s/he is unable to address the issue without doing so
ii. Meetings may also be convened by the advisors
iii. The executive council will represent the organization at the monthly meeting with advisors
iv. Regular meetings of the EC are not necessary. All day to day issues will be handled by the officers or the executive board
i. Changes in leadership duties or sanctions against specific actions may be levied by a 3/3 - unanimous vote of the EC membership(in consultation with advisors)
ii. Changes in leadership duties or sanctions against specific EC members shall be levied with a 2/3 vote (after consultation with advisors)
iii. Members being discussed are to be given an opportunity to speak to each EC member individually before, but not at, the council meeting.
iv. The executive council may request that a member/leader resign his or her position. Members are not bound to do so until a meeting of the full Disciplinary Board and advisors
v. When there is a proper vote, members must follow recourse laid out by the council. Members may appeal these decisions to the advisors
vi. If sanctions are not followed, the executive member will be sent to the advisors for mediation.
vii. The EC, as a whole unit, has the authority to supercede the actions of the president.
E. Advisors
i. LEMS will be administratively advised by one advisor from Health Services, as designated by the head of that department
ii. LEMS will be administratively advised by one advisor from Campus Police Services, as designated by the head of that department
iii. LEMS will be administratively advised by one advisor from administrative environmental services, as designated by the head of that department.
iv. The membership of Lions’ EMS may chose a Student Organizations\SFB advisor other than the administrative advisors, who has extensive experience with EMS, with a 2/3 vote of the executive board and a separate 2/3 vote of the membership. If there is not a separate advisor, one of the administrative advisors will assume these duties
i. Oversee the Chief/President
ii. Mediate disputes as necessary
iii. Act on issues forwarded by the executive council
v. Handle administrative affairs with other college offices
vi. Oversee the administrative budget and collaborate with the treasurer to establish the annual SFB budget.
vii. All other duties as assigned by the Dean of Student Life and/or the Associate Vice President for Administrative and Environmental Services
F. Disciplinary Board
i. The Chair of the Disciplinary Board is the Training/Personnel Officer – Captain 138-1
ii. The Convener of the disciplinary Board is the Chief/President
iii. Voting members are The Training/Personnel Officer, Chief/President, Deputy Chief, Logistics Officer-Captain 138-3, and Executive Vice President
iv. The non-voting clerk of the board will be the Vice President for Member Services
v. The non-voting Lions’ EMS/QRT representative to the executive board will be the Equipment Officer-Captain 138-2
vi. One Lions’ EMS advisor must observe hearings
vii. The chair shall only vote in the case of a tie vote
viii. The minimum number of members required to hold a hearing is 4.
ix. Any accused member may select an advisor to assist him/her at the hearing, but the advisor is not permitted to address the board.
i. Failure to adhere to the policies and procedures of Lions’ EMS and the Quick Response Team. Including: Bylaws, Main SOPs, Residence Life SOP’s, All-Call SOP’s, Officer on Call SOP’s, and Past Chief Job Description
ii. Conduct causing another member to feel harassed, etc.
iii. Negligence (i.e. not restocking equipment, grossly improper patient care)
iv. Official representation of the organization when not ordered to do so by the executive board
v. Insubordination/failure to abide by the legal order of a superior line or organization officer, crew chief, residence life official, campus police official, or advisors
vi. Gross misconduct
vii. Violations of other college policies while representing LEMS (i.e. consuming alcohol or drugs while wearing a LEMS shirt)
viii. Consuming alcohol, non-prescription narcotics or prescription narcotic drugs within 12 hours of a duty shift or response to an all-call
ix. Behavior unbecoming a member of Lions’ EMS
i. An incident report shall be written, including time, date, situation, suggested violation, person in violation, witnesses, etc, and that report will be submitted either in writing or via e-mail to the chief/president. A copy of incident report will be forwarded to the advisors. No incident reports may be submitted to the Chief/President that are anonymous. The name is for the purposes of the Chief only and will not be shared with other D-Board members unless approved by the documenting member
ii. The chief will review the report and interview witnesses (if necessary).
1. If the incident is minor in nature and would only require educational sanctioning (i.e. turn on your radio while on calls), s/he can discuss the incident with the member and come up with a solution
2. The case will forwarded to the board if the member does not follow corrective action imposed by the Chief
3. If the incident is not minor, and required disciplinary intervention, the Chief will request the VP for MS/Clerk to the Board to set up a hearing time
4. The chief will discuss findings and recommended outcome with advisors.
iii. The Hearing will be conducted
1. Introduction of the Board and other persons present
2. Opening statement by the LEMS rep
3. Opening statement by the Student
4. Witnesses of the LEMS rep (Board members may ask questions at any time following the opening statement by the Student.
a. Questions by LEMS Rep
b. Questions by Student
c. Questions by Board (at any time)
5. Witnesses of the Accused
a. Questions by the accused
b. Questions by the LEMS Rep
c. Questions by the Board
6. Board questions to Accused and LEMS Rep
7. LEMS Rep opportunity to ask questions of the student (through the chair of the board)
8. Student opportunity to ask questions of the LEMS rep (through the chair of the board)
9. Final Questions by Board
10. Final Statement by the LEMS Rep
11. Final Statement by the Student Rep
12. Board deliberations (other parties excused)
13. Return of parties after deliberations
14. Announcement of the decision (if the student wishes not to wait until the letter)
iv. The Clerk of the Board (VP for MS) shall send the member a letter outlining the violation, holding of the board (responsibility) and sanction, if applicable, the names of those who heard the case, observed the case, and represented the school. This document may be reviewed in the future by the board if the student comes before it in a subsequent case.
v. The member may appeal the decision to the advisors, if any of the following grounds are believed to be applicable
1. Evidence of bias on the part of the board
2. procedural irregularity
3. New evidence found only after the hearing
4. Undue Severity of Sanction
i. If the member is found responsible, the board may impose any of the following sanctions
1. No sanction given
2. Order to cease the action that is in controversy
3. Requirement of more night shifts
4. Requirement of more weekend shifts
5. Suggestion to Advisors to remove member from a leadership position
6. Return to probationary member status
7. Suspension from active duty for X length (no responding to calls)
8. Expulsion from responding membership
9. Expulsion from responding and club membership
G. Executive Board
i. The Executive board shall consist of The Chief/President, Executive Vice President, Vice President for Member Services, Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Chief, Training Officer/Captain, Equipment Officer/Captain, Logistics Officer/Captain, Fundraising Chair, Growth Chair, Publicity Chair
ii. The parliamentarian, should attend meetings.
iii. Other non-voting leaders like the Webmaster, Associate Treasurer, etc., may attend Executive Board Meetings at the discretion of the Executive Vice President
i. The executive board, with a simple majority, may conduct day to day operations, including
1. Equipment purchase - disposable
2. Fundraising execution/base purchase
3. conduct public relations
4. Purchase other items/capital equipment
5. send correspondence
6. Specially recognize members
7. Co-sponsor student events
8. Discuss any and all responsibilities of any and all members or leaders
9. Other responsibilities as designated by Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, Gold Edition
ii. With a two-thirds majority, the executive board may TEMPORARILY change SOP for less than 1 week (after consultation with the advisors) (123-1)
i. Be a certified Emergency Medical Technician for at least 6 months OR participate on at least 50 documented 911 emergency calls (LEMS or outside squad or agency) – This must be verified by outside agencies if necessary; be a LEMS member for 1 semester
OR Be an EMT for at least 1 year, serving on an outside EMS agency; be on at least 50 documented 911 Emergency calls serving as an EMT; present letters of recommendation from 2 line officers of the outside EMS agency (this would be an option for incoming freshmen)
ii. Serve as Crew Chief in Training on at least 4 calls while being supervised by a line officer designated by the Chief
iii. Meet student leadership criteria
iv. Pass crew chief status test after orientation by Chief
v. Interview with at least 4 line officers; answer procedural and medical questions
vi. Be approved by majority vote (3 of the 5) of line officers
i. Be nominated for Crew Chief status
i. Serve as a member of the board of crew chiefs
ii. Coordinate duty crew calls
1. Help train new members on calls
2. Allow secondary EMT to do assessment; supplement assessment if other EMT did not pose all questions or treatment necessary
3. Help to train EMT students
I. Board of Crew Chiefs
i. The Deputy Chief is the convener and chair of the Board of Crew Chiefs
ii. All line officers and crew chief level EMT’s may attend meetings
i. To address call-related response issues
ii. To pool the observations of a crew-chief EMT’s to discuss call-related response issues
i. The board of crew chiefs shall meet when a crew-chief or other member brings an issue to the Chief or Deputy Chief who will forward the issue to the board if necessary
ii. Any issue that can be resolved by the Chief, Deputy Chief, and Executive Vice President should not be forwarded to the crew chief board unless the solution is temporary
iii. There is no requirement to activate the crew chief board each semester
i. The board of crew chiefs shall be an open forum, facilitated by the Deputy Chief.
ii. The board of crew chiefs, since it is not an elected body, cannot make policy, however, they shall submit proposals to the executive board, who will give them major consideration.
a. LEMS will provide emergency medical service Monday through Thursday during the hours of 2000 to 0700, Friday beginning at 1700 and through the weekend until 0700 Monday morning. Shift schedules will look as follows:
Sun-Thurs: 2000-0700
Fri 1700- Sat 2000
Sat 2000- Sun 2000
a. Evening and Weekend Duty Crew
i. First member shall be the crew chief and meet all crew chief requirements as stated previously.
ii. Second member shall be an EMT as defined by their state certification.
iii. Third member shall be an EMT or First Responder
iv. Fourth member shall be an EMT, First Responder or First Aider
v. All appropriate efforts shall be made to try and include at least one member of each gender on every crew, membership permitting.
b. Minimum responding requirement for all-call is at least one crew chief.
c. Lions EMS member may respond to calls so long as they have the clearance of the duty crew chief. Maximum number of responding members is four per crew.
a. Scheduling of crews shall be done by the deputy chief on a rotating schedule to be determined at the beginning of each semester.
b. Rotation shall be determined by the number of members and availability of qualified personnel.
c. All responding members shall be given the opportunity to state their preferred shifts to the deputy chief prior to scheduling.
d. If a member is not able to cover a shift or standby for which they have previously signed up, it is their responsibility to notify the duty crew chief for that evening and find their own coverage for the shift. The covering member must be of equal status.
a. Each LEMS member who is scheduled to be on-call that evening will pick up and sign out a radio and jump pack appropriate for scope of care, from the storage closet in Health Services no later than 1950 the night of their shift. Jump pack should be checked for completeness prior to leaving storage area.
b. All extra supplies and equipment shall be stored in the Lions’ EMS closet in Health Services. When necessary, bags shall be restocked using these supplies.
c. All signed out equipment must be returned, restocked and signed back in no later than 1200 the following day. Alternatively, equipment may be passed on to members of the following day’s crew of equivalent certification of the individual previously with the bag.
d. The squad shall maintain four types of bags:
i. Orange EMT Bag with Oxygen unit
ii. Blue Crew Chief Bag
iii. Officer on Call Bag
iv. Automated External Defibrillator Unit
v. First Aider Bags
e. Only licensed pre-hospital healthcare providers (EMTs) will be permitted to sign out and carry Orange Jump packs.
f. First responders and first aiders are only permitted to carry the blue jump bag or the blue standby bag.
g. Only a crew chief may have possession of the blue bag that contains oxygen (also known as the blue crew chief bag).
h. Members are permitted to carry their own personal radios so long as proper Lions’ EMS radio protocol is followed at all times.
i. All concerns regarding equipment shall be directed to the Equipment Officer. ??AED??
a. Signing on with Campus Police should occur during standbys or any time that Lions EMS is on-call when they wouldn’t normally be.
b. Prior to each shift, each member of the duty crew shall inform his or her crew chief whether they have possession of their equipment and radio.
c. If a member is unavailable for a certain portion of a shift, they are required to notify their crew chief. ??And fine appropriate coverage!??
a. Duty Regulation Apparel (Class B Uniform)
i. Pants shall be long jeans, blue khakis, or BDU pants. Shorts shall not be permitted.
ii. Shirt shall be the regulation Lions’ EMS t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, or polo shirt. If member does not possess any of these, they may wear a similarly colored t-shirt or hooded sweatshirt.
iii. Open toed shoes are not to be worn.
iv. Clothing shall adhere to all OSHA standards. Clothing with inappropriate or offensive language shall not be permitted.
b. Dress Uniform (Class A Uniform)
i. (Shall be amended upon receipt of uniforms)
a. All calls will be dispatched by Campus Police.
b. First, the crew chief shall acknowledge the dispatcher and state “138-__ responding from __”, and each member shall acknowledge the dispatcher in a similar manner following the crew chief.
c. Each member will proceed to the location of the call with caution.
d. If a member other than the crew chief arrives to the location of the call, they must wait for the arrival of the crew chief before administering care, unless the delay may seriously endanger the patient.
e. Once on location, all crew members will treat the patient(s) to the accepted standard of care as outlined in their training and in accordance with the most senior member on location. Additionally, all crew members will act in a professional manner at all times during a call.
f. After initial assessment, if the Crew Chief feels that additional resources are needed and have not yet been dispatched, he/she will contact “(police)” and request the necessary resources. These resources include, but are not limited to: BLS ambulance and ALS.
g. The crew will remain with the patient until the patient refuses medical services and signs the waiver, Campus Police dismisses the crew, or the local ambulance service arrives and patient care is properly transferred and report is given.
h. Upon completion of the call, crew will make themselves available to “base.”
i. If a LEMS EMT or Crew Chief witnesses or comes across a medical incident that is not being taken care of while off duty, they may identify themselves as a LEMS EMT and assist on scene until the arrival of the QRS. Any other LEMS member is advised to make sure that proper medical attention has been summoned, and is advised to go out and assist the QRS in locating the scene.
j. All members of LEMS will respond to calls on foot.
k. If transportation to a call is needed you may contact campus police.
l. It is expected that evenings that you take call you will be on campus and on foot.
m. Bike riding to a scene while on-call or responding to calls is prohibited and grounds for dismissal from club without warning.
a. All issues of concern should be written and emailed or delivered to the advisors to review within 24 hours of the incident.
b. Documentation should include member(s) involved, date/time/location of issue, specifics around the issue and supporting information such as legal statutes, witnesses, etc and signed by person(s) completing the report.
a. All students in leadership roles (Executive Board and line officers) will be required to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Leaders will maintain leadership criteria as defined by TCNJ.
b. All general members of LEMS will be required to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
S. Personal Safety
a. All personnel must consider their health and safety at all times and must be properly protected from any contagious or infectious diseases, including but not limited to AIDS, hepatitis, MRSA, tuberculosis, and staphylococcus infections.
b. The following personal protection equipment (PPE) will be supplied in each backpack in sufficient quantity to guarantee the highest measure of safety for all personnel:
i. Examination gloves.
ii. Face shield with mask.
iii. Blood borne pathogen protection kit, supplied by Environmental Services at TCNJ.
iv. An anti-microbial solution for use without water
c. Every attempt should be made by the crew member at the scene to determine the presence or possibility of any contagious or infectious disease. This information must be forwarded to all other incoming responders.
d. All personnel must wear appropriate PPE on all calls or when advised to do so by an EMT.
e. Exposure Policy: All exposures will be handled in accordance with The College of New Jersey’s exposure control plan, a copy of which will be kept in the Lions EMS office. All members should immediately contact TCNJ Campus Police to activate exposure control procedures.
a. Drugs and Alcohol
i. Lions EMS does not make allowances for the use of drugs and/or alcohol while on duty. Drug and/or alcohol use will not be tolerated. Drug use and/or alcohol consumption during duty hours will constitute immediate suspension from the duty crew and immediate review by the disciplinary board. Alcohol consumption must be avoided for 12 hours prior to one’s tour of duty.
ii. Individuals consuming alcohol off hours will not be wearing their uniform or any Lions’ EMS identification.
b. Illegal activities
i. Participation in any illegal activity while representing Lions’ EMS is unacceptable, and will constitute immediate suspension and review by the disciplinary board.
ii. Members are not permitted to call out of service. However, if there is a circumstance where the quality of care that a member can give will be compromised, they may call a line officer. The line officer may then call out of service if necessary. It is each member’s responsibility to find coverage (by a member of equal or higher training) for any shifts which they are unable to work.
Note: All procedures and policies for Lions EMS are relevant only to its members. Once a local ambulance corps assumes control of a scene, members are to assist local corps as instructed. However, members are instructed to note all compromises of patient care by other responding agencies. The standard operating guidelines of residence life and campus police override the guidelines contained within.
Lions’ EMS will work in conjunction with campus police and health services. The squad office will be health services, in room 142.
a. QRS members will use only their designated call signs when communicating on the radio. Members will be identified as 138-xx followed by two numbers. Each member’s number will be determined by the deputy chief.
b. When contacting campus police, the dispatcher will be referred to as “base.”
c. When contacting any outside agencies, use the appropriate call sign as stated by LifeComm.
d. All communications are to be conducted professionally.
e. Radios are only to be used for emergency response and necessary communications which are not able to be conducted by another means.
f. The Ops Channel is to be used for intrasquad communication and use of individual members’ names is permitted on this channel. However, communications shall still be conducted in a professional manner.
i. A call report must be completed in each call for service received. This includes calls that are cancelled enroute and when medical attention is refused. If medical attention is refused, the patient and a witness must sign a waiver.
ii. Any EMT on the crew will be responsible for completing the call report. The Crew Chief shall be responsible for reviewing and signing off on the call report and any and all other members of the crew will review the call report to gain a familiarity with them.
iii. The report must be properly completed in full and will include the date, time received and time back in service, location, patient information, treatment, and call report number. The report shall be signed by the EMT completing call.
iv. Both copies of the report are to be kept together and placed in the designated area by 8:00 am following the completion of the shift.
v. The Chief/President is responsible for the completion of a monthly report consisting of the total number of calls, man hours, etc., which shall be forwarded to the organization’s advisor.
vi. All call reports shall be forwarded from the Captain to the designated faculty/staff member for further review if the Captain feel any corrective action should be taken.
All members will be covered by The College of New Jersey’s Worker’s Compensation Policy, and will follow the procedures of the college’s policy.
i. When a crew member is injured in the line of duty, the first concern will be to ensure prompt and proper medical attention is received. The crew member may opt to refuse medical attention. All reports should be submitted to Human Resources.
ii. The Campus Police Department shall be notified and a police report shall be completed. A report shall be submitted to the Chief/President, including a full account of the incident.
iii. Should any questions arise concerning the procedure of filing an injury report, members should contact an advisor of LEMS or Human Resources immediately.
iv. Should a member be injured outside of the line of duty, a member may request a medical leave of absence. The member must be medically cleared before returning to active duty. Furthermore, while on a MLOA a member’s status within the organization will not be affected in any fashion including but not limited to position, and privileges.
a. The duty crew chief shall assess the situation from information provided enroute or at the scene and determine the necessary resources required, and relay this information to “base.”, and should request the assistance of the officer on call
b. The Officer on Call (or Crew Chief) shall initiate incident command system by establishing Incident Commander and assign a triage area
c. Upon the arrival of an outside agency that assumes control of the situation, the Officer on Call will step down as Incident Commander and the duty crew will offer their manpower to the situation as necessary and directed by the new Incident Commander.
W. All-Call System
The purpose of Lions’ EMS on campus is to provide vital emergency care when waiting for an ambulance to respond to the campus for patient transport to a hospital. In addition, LEMS is able to provide care that does not require transport, which saves the time and energy of local EMS providers for other emergencies in the area. Not only does this need exist at night, but it exists more during the day, when there are more people on the campus.
a. Member Eligibility
i. All Call System Participation is completely optional.
ii. In order to serve on the all call team, one must be a certified Emergency Medical Technician, and have been a member of Lions’ EMS for at least two semesters prior. (One need not have had to serve as an EMT in the prior semesters)
1. Justification – In some instances, only one member may be able to respond to the scene of an incident and may have to render care alone. EMT is our highest level of care, and thus should be the only one to ever treat alone. Two prior semesters allows for people that have had experience with our radios, call reports, etc. to be the ones to render care.
iii. In order to run on all call, one must satisfy the student leadership criteria, ensuring that participation does not effect academic status. (SLC includes no sanctions probation or higher in addition to a 2.5 GPA)
iv. Members who are student teaching may not participate in all-call.
v. The LEMS advisors will review the academic record of each individual interested in all call, and will have a designee from the Office of Student Life review judicial records before a final decision is made regarding the eligibility of an individual to participate in all call. This will be done each semester. Names of interested all-call participants should be given to LEMS advisors no later than September 23 of the fall semester and February 17 of the spring semester.
b. Operations
i. The All Call System (ACS) will be in service from 0700 to 2000 hours Monday through Thursday, and from 0700 to 1700 on Friday.
1. All call may be placed in service during other times, such as when the majority of LEMS personnel are on a major standby, but a solid crew cannot be formed.
2. All call will be in service 24 hours a day/7 days per week from the Saturday before finals to the Friday of finals week. Those who do not wish to participate should return their equipment to the Equipment Officer prior to Saturday so other members can run if needed.
3. All call members may respond at night if there is a second call while the duty crew is attending to the other.
ii. Responding to calls
1. Members must turn their radios off 25 minutes before the start of each class to ensure that class time is not missed due to ACS. Absolutely no agreements shall be made with professors allowing students to respond to calls – no exceptions.
a). All-Call System Personnel (ACSP) who are caught with their radios on during the 25 minute interval will be suspended for one week on the first offense, 2 weeks on the second offense, and shall be removed from service on the third offense. There will be no exceptions for line officers.
i). Students may respond to calls within 25 minutes of classes when flagged down by a member of the campus community, campus police, or when no other personnel respond to a CPR in progress. Members must legally respond in flag-down situations, as they have, by NJ state law a duty to act when personally requested by a community member, and especially police officers. Cardiac arrest circumstances shall be given some latitude, as no one could ever deny that saving a life is more important than a class.
b). ACSP who work on campus may respond to calls while at work if and only if there is another person in that department or office, and if a prior written agreement, on file in the LEMS office was made between the student employee and his/her supervisor.
i). Students must carefully review their time cards to make sure that they did not put in for any hours that were spent on a call.
ii). When an ACSP leaves or misses work to respond to a call, they must note that within 24 hours on the sheet in the LEMS designated office. Supervisors and payroll services may request these sheets to audit timecards.
2. Campus police will dispatch incidents in the same manner as night service. When possible, Campus Police should use alert tones, as it is often difficult to notice plain speaking on the radio.
3. Members should call in responding, using their personal radio identifier numbers.
a). Members must say the location from which they are responding, so that campus police and other members know whom is closest to the scene. i.e. Base, 138-08 responding FROM DECKER or FROM SOCIAL SCIENCES BUILDING
b). The first ACSP responding should radio “base” to have them remind officers to bring the all call bag, cervical collar, or defibrillator to the scene from the police cars.
1. In the event that the campus police officer with the bag is not available to respond, a member who will be passing Eickhoff Hall or is less than two minutes out of the way should go to the health services equipment closet to retrieve a medical bag, cervical collar, etc.
c). All ACS members available should respond. Only the first three members on scene will stay, however, anyone that arrives within five minutes after dispatch will be given credit on the call report.
d). Members must wear their official office of student accounts Identification Cards when on the scene of the incident. Members should see the appointed ID coordinator if they need cards. Members who do not have an official card must wear some sort of approved way of identifying oneself as a Lions Emergency Medical Technician
e). Members who do not respond on the radio will not be permitted to treat except during a flag down, cardiac arrest, or police request.
iii. Equipment Requirements
1. While on duty for ACS, every member must carry an approved CPR pocketmask and two pair of PPE gloves. There will be absolutely no exceptions.
2. When an ACSP does not have a book-bag on, they must carry one of the three all call bags (medium size blue bags) if they are available to carry.
a). If these bags are not available, ACSP should try to carry a personal equipment bag which they may reasonably re-stock at LEMS expense.
c. Staffing and Scheduling
i. The following regular members shall be All Call System Personnel Permanents (ACSPP), meaning that they shall have a radio permanently assigned to them for the year, unless they violate a regulation contained in these procedures, or do not want to run on the ACS
1. Chief/President
2. Deputy Chief
3. Equipment Captain
4. Training Captain
5. Logistics Captain
ii. There shall be three additional variable (ACSPV) positions (and 1 more for every additional radio purchased and put into service) that shall rotate to EMT-Crew Chiefs who meet the above requirements. The captain and president, in consultation with LEMS advisors, shall chose which members are put into service based on skill level and number of weeks previously served.
1. It is the responsibility of the last person in each slot to arrange to pass their equipment to the next person in that slot by Sunday evening at 5pm. If this is inconvenient or phone calls are not returned, the member rotating off shall give their equipment to the captain. No all-call equipment should be left in the storage closet.
iii. Because being on ACS is voluntary, responding to calls as an ACS member is optional.
2. Members must give a copy of their schedules to the Deputy Chief before beginning service on ACS.
d. Bicycles and Personal Vehicles
i. While serving on all call, members may ride to and from classes on their bikes, personal vehicles, (with appropriate permits), scooters, inline skates, etc, as distances from residence halls are quite lengthy.
ii. If a member responds to a call when using one of the above named devices, members shall immediately stop, secure those devices as soon as possible, or park vehicle in nearest legal parking area, driving within the legal speed limit, and respond on foot to the location. Members caught responding to a call on one of these or similar devices will be suspended from the entire Lions’ EMS organization, until a dismissal hearing can be arranged.
iii. If distances are too great to respond reasonably on foot, and insufficient personnel respond after the member who is far away waits 15 seconds, they may radio base to see if a CPD officer is available to transport the member to the scene. These services may not always be available.
iv. Cases in which calls are missed due to distance should be documented on an incident report.
v. Members may wear radios, but no LEMS equipment or LEMS clothing if they are riding on a personal transportation method during all-call hours.]
vi. In the event that insufficient personnel respond on the radio, any all-call member may designate other qualified all-call members who are not on rotation to respond, only if the designating member responds with the designee.
X. Officer-on-Call Job Description
a. Eligibility
i. There will be a rotating schedule made at the beginning of each semester in which the Deputy Chief will be responsible for assigning officers on call on a rotating weekly schedule.
ii. All quick-response team line officers are automatically officers on call.
iii. If there are not enough line officers to have five, then the President/Chief and Advisor have the authority to appoint other crew chief members to be officers on call. Members who have keys to health services should be considered first for these positions. Past Captain status members may be officers on call if approved to do so by the line officers and advisor.
iv. There must be an officer on call for every shift in order to have the QRT in service
v. The officer on call shall be listed on the weekly crew schedule
vi. As of August 15, 2003, OOC members must have completed an Incident Command System 100 course (or FEMA IS 195) AND a Hazardous Materials Awareness course.
vii. The officer on call shall have the pager with them at all times during their rotation when there is a night crew or weekend crew in service.
b. Duties
i. The OOC will assist the crew chief in obtaining equipment for the crew members after hours if necessary.
ii. Officers on call may not respond to “observe” members, unless the OOC is a QRT current serving line officer. If line officers observe, the line officer should stand back, and not treat the patient unless requested to do so by the crew chief.
iii. Officers on call may not respond when the officer believes that s/he is more qualified to treat the patient than the crew chief or other EMT’s. Only the crew chief may request the OOC if s/he feels unable to properly care for the patient.
iv. The OOC will respond only in the following circumstances
1. The Crew Chief or secondary EMT requests the OOC to respond to a call in order to resolve disputes between the EMT members of the crew. All disputes should be resolved over the phone before the OOC responds to the call.
2. If a “second call” is dispatched while the primary crew is on another call
3. If the call is a multiple casually incident that requires the implementation of the Incident Command System (ICS)
4. If the crew chief requests by radio, after sizing up the scene of an incident, that the OOC respond to assist in complicated medical care or that of two patients at the same location
5. If there is a confirmed Motor Vehicle Accident on Campus jurisdiction
6. If any crew member is injured while responding to or on a call.
7. If the call involves hazardous materials
c. Operations
i. The Officer on call shall use their own personal radio designation.
ii. The OOC need not always be on campus, but must be available by radio, pager, or cellular phone.
iii. The Officer on Call is the only LEMS member that may call the QRT out of service to campus police.
iv. The OOC could not resolve a dispute if s/he is a party to it.
v. OOC’s may activate the all-call system to request personnel for second calls.
vi. OOC shifts do not count as monthly shifts for the purposes of the SOPs or priority housing.
d. Enforcement of this Procedure
i. Members that violate the OOC procedures shall be documented by any EMT in an incident report or e-mail with name, witnesses, date, times, and nature of incident. The report will be forwarded to the Captain, who must forward it to the LEMS advisor with the manner in which the report was handled.
ii. Members who violate the procedures once will be suspended from OOC duties for two weeks.
iii. Members who violate the procedures for a second time may no longer serve in the capacity of an OOC until approved to do so by the LEMS advisors.
Y. Past Captain or President/Chief
a. The Past President/Chief or Past Captain shall be nominated by a current President/Chief or Captain and be approved by the squad membership at large
b. At time of election to Past Captain, the member must be a current LEMS EMT Crew Chief, and must maintain Crew Chief status
c. Past captain shall be certified in ICS and HAZMAT
d. The member must have contributed many years and hours of service to LEMS as a line officer
e. Member shall serve as medical branch command, incident commander, or chief medical officer at any call in which another Lions EMS line officer is not present
f. Member shall actively run a crew shift
g. The past captain shall be available to the Lions EMS line officers for consultation about squad functions when necessary.
h. The past captain will give unsolicited input about squad functions to the President/Chief and Deputy Chief.
i. The past captain shall serve as a role model for all Lions EMS members
j. The past captain may assume responsibility for special projects when both he/she and the executive board feel it a beneficial move
k. The past captain may serve as Officer-on-Call for shifts when all other line officers are unavailable, if he/she agrees to assume the responsibility
l. The past captain is not required to, but may at his/her discretion, attend Lions’ EMS line officer and executive board meetings.
Z Guidelines for Operation (LEMS Appendix A)
Guidelines for Operation (LEMS Appendix A)
Lions EMS and TCNJ Department of Residence Education and Housing
These guidelines were designed cooperatively with Lions’ Emergency Medical Services and the Department of Residence Education and Housing (REH) to outline the functions on the scene of a medical/trauma call in a residence hall. This is designed to be a working guide for both LEMS personnel and undergraduate, graduate, and Professional Staff of REH.
In the event of a medical incident or injury, if the resident patient should be first to contact Campus Police via 911 or extension 2167, campus police will dispatch Lions’ Emergency Medical Services (Lions’ EMS, LEMS) and an Ambulance and/or Advanced Life Support when needed. If a Residence Ed Staff Member enters a scene and help has not been called, it is his/her responsibility to contact Campus Police.
1. Patient confidentiality for LEMS and all aspects of students’ confidentiality for the REH is a high priority. The New Jersey Patient’s Bill of Rights and the Administrative Regulations/Guidelines established by the New Jersey Office of Emergency Medical Services take precedence over any procedure outlined in this document in the event of a legal discrepancy.
2. Any medical emergency which any ResEd staff member observes will be immediately reported to Campus Police for LEMS dispatch. REH members must not make medical decisions for a patient/resident. All medical decisions are the students and in the event the resident is unable to make a decision or has presented a threat to self or others, the REH staff should notify LEMS. Even if the student involved may want to refuse medical attention, the system should be activated, in case the incident is more serious than it presents to be. The patient/resident has the right to refuse medical care if mentally able to do so.
3. Undergraduate REH staff members must not treat or “take care of” residents with alcohol poisoning, etc. These conditions can progress rapidly. Reciprocally, LEMS will ensure that calls in which a ResEd staff member should be present will be reported to campus police, who shall contact the REH professional on call (professional staff include the Residence Directors, Assistant Directors, Directors). Situations that require the presence of REH professional staff include, but are not limited to:
4. All LEMS Crew Chiefs have access to all residence halls and will respond to each building with their crew. If the Crew Chief cannot access the building for any reason, the Crew Chief will radio Campus Police who will alert REH. The HSW or other designated ResEd staff members shall also standby to let Ambulance and Paramedic crews into the buildings, in instances in which campus police is not available. LEMS must not disclose the location and nature of the incident to any uninvolved person.
5. At a medical call, in consultation with the patient/resident, LEMS members will only supply pertinent medical information to REH professional staff; no information will be released to undergraduate or graduate staff. This information may include:
a. Patient name
b. Pertinent Medical History
c. Pertinent Medications
d. Patients current status
e. LEMS medical recommendation of patient
f. Other information that will assist the professional staff member in making a judicious decision concerning the patients residential status
6. In the event that information needs to be shared and the professional ResEd staff member is not on scene, LEMS staff will request that s/he be contacted and come to the scene.
7. Lions EMS can not give a written report to ResEd, as this is a violation of State Laws.
8. Residential Education staff will bring to the scene the resident’s Emergency Contact Card, especially in situations where the resident is unable or refuses to provide the information.
9. In order to avoid confusion, undergraduate ResEd staff should wait until the conclusion of the incident (patient/resident has been transferred to ambulance care or refused medical attention) to get information for incident reports which include responding LEMS member name, badge number and name of the student involved.
10. It is the responsibility of the REH staff on scene to ensure that other residents, unless at the request of the patient/resident, are not on scene or in the hallway. REH should work with the Campus Police Department (CPD) officer on scene to ensure crowd control. This will ensure patient privacy, LEMS access to supplies, and BLS/ALS ambulance crew access to the scene.
11. Professional ResEd staff will maintain an appropriate number of undergraduate/graduate staff on scene to assist as s/he needs. All other staff should be released from the scene to assist in other area such as debriefing if needed.
12. If the patient seems hesitant when answering questions, the LEMS crew chief on scene can request that the ResEd staff member leave the scene, in the hope that the patient will be more willing to open up confidential information or drugs/alcohol consumed. When the necessary information is obtained, LEMS will ask the professional staff member to reenter the scene.
13. The maximum number of LEMS responding members on any given call will be 4, unless there are multiple patients. The members serve normally in the functions of Crew Chief EMT, (scene commander and ResEd liaison) Secondary EMT, (patient care) and First Aider/First Responder. (patient care) There will be up to 4 regularly scheduled members that will respond, and who may request the presence of the Officer on Call of LEMS, the 5th personnel. If there are more than 4 LEMS members on scene, the Professional REH staff may request that crew members leave. On calls of psychological nature, the CPD dispatcher and LEMS crew chief will ensure that there are no more than 2 members on scene. If the officer on call is requested, one responding member will clear from the scene, in an effort to maintain a maximum and minimum of 2 LEMS crew members. If there is an incident involving two patients, The Officer on Call and Secondary EMT will respond to that scene.
14. Once on scene, LEMS will take control of the situation in coordination with Campus Police and ResEd staff. Medical/emergency concerns always take precedence, but once the medical needs of the patient/resident have been addressed, it is the responsibility of LEMS to update the professional ResEd staff member so that s/he can make decisions based on REH policy and/or procedure. This information is in reference to a patient/resident being of harm to him/herself or a disruption to the residential community or if the patient/resident is unable to make decisions for him/herself.
15. LEMS should let Campus Police and the professional ResEd staff member know the condition of the patient after the initial assessment, physical exam, and history/vital signs. LEMS should advise REH professional staff whether or not the patient should be transported to a medical facility, taking into consideration local protocols and national curriculum standards.
16. LEMS members will make an effort to notify ResEd staff of which hospital patients are going to be transported to. LEMS members will also notify REH staff if the patient refuses medical attention (RMA). In this situation, REH professional staff will notify the patient/resident that s/he cannot remain in a residential facility and that other arrangements must be made if the patient/resident refuses to be transported. If LEMS determines that the patient is not required to go due to medical needs, they must understand that it is still the decision of the ResEd staff member if the patient/resident can remain in a residential facility. If the ResEd staff member determines that the student cannot remain in a residential facility, and provides a patient/resident with his/her options, LEMS staff should be supportive of that decision and work to assist.
17. In the event of an RMA against medical advice (AMA) at which an REH professional staff member is required to be present, the ResEd staff member will be notified, as they may make a judgment as to whether a patient/resident can remain in a residential facility.
18. LEMS members shall not, in cases of impaired individuals, recommend to the patient that he/she not go to the hospital. LEMS members may advise REH professional staff as to their medical opinion on transporting the patient, in a setting in which the patient is not present. With this advice and under REH policy, the professional staff member shall make a determination as to whether the patient/resident can remain in a residential facility.
19. Non-professional ResEd staff may go to the hospital in the ambulance, in most cases, as long as the patient consents. In most cases, it is better for the patient if a friend who knows his/her history accompanies the patient to the Medical Center. REH professional staff will accompany the patient when directed so by ResEd policy or procedure.
20. At the conclusion of the call, the ResEd staff member should request the names, certification levels, identification numbers, and office phone number of the Lions’ EMS staff for the ResEd report.