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What is LINKS?
Who Is It Designed For?
Does LINKS Replace Library Instruction?

What Is LINKS?
LINKS is a self-instructional tutorial designed to teach TCNJ students basic library and research skills. It covers the research process from initial topic selection to citation styles and the issue of plagiarism. There is a link to LINKS on the TCNJ Library homepage. LINKS is organized into six modules:

Module 1 | Choosing Sources
Covers types of information sources students can use for their research topics.
Module 2 | Creating a Search Strategy
Covers topic selection and how to create a search strategy.
Module 3 | Using the Library Catalog
Demonstrates ways to search the catalog.
Module 4 | Finding Articles in Research Databases
Describes how to use Academic Search Premier.
Module 5 | Using the Web
Covers finding and evaluating information on the Web.
Module 6 | Citing Sources
Describes how to cite research sources. Includes the topics of plagiarism and copyright.

Each of the six sections takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. Each module is followed by a short quiz.

Who Is It Designed For?
LINKS is designed for students in classes with introductory-level research and serves as the course material for IDS102 - Information Literacy Proficiency.

Does LINKS Replace Library Instruction?
No! We continue to offer course-related library instruction and hope that you will incorporate it into your syllabus. Timing is important! Please schedule library instruction with us for a date after your class has received a research assignment, so students learn about searching databases at a time when they need to know this information.

 Research has shown that:

  • Students learn best and retain most when they need the information.

  • Library instruction is more effective when the course instructor is present.

  • Library instruction is more effective when coordinated with a class assignment.

To arrange a library instruction session you may do one of the following:
