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TCNJ Library

Starting with Your College Library

Library resources are purchased to meet your academic needs. A primary function of a college library is to purchase and make available information that supports college courses and the research needs of students. Both current and retrospective information is available.

Library resources go through a review process. Librarians select resources for the library such as books, videos, magazines, journals, databases, and websites. The library collects sources considered reliable, credible and authoritative. The key idea of using the library is that you are getting quality over quantity.

Library resources are organized. Items are organized so you can quickly and easily find sources on a topic. For example, when you search for a book in the library catalog you will get a call number that identifies where the item is located. Similar books will have similar call numbers and are grouped together for easy access and retrieval.

Library resources come with personal assistance. Libraries have staff who are trained to help you. They'll answer your questions and help you learn to use online and print resources--at no charge.

Library resources are available in the Library and on the Web. The TCNJ Library website is designed to help provide resources to support your academic needs. The resources selected for the website have been evaluated and are organized to streamline your research. Best of all, personal assistance is available, via the Reference Desk, whether you are in the library or at home.

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