
indicates undergraduate co-author


Butler, L. K., S. Hope, F. Stabile, and M. Ouellette. Warmer spring temperatures predict earlier summer molt in a songbird. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (2014).

Butler, L. K., T. J. Hayden, and L. M. Romero. Environmental and life-history correlates of glucocorticoid physiology in an arid-country bird. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, Washington (2010).

Hayden, T. J., L. K. Butler, and I. A. Bisson.  Stress physiology of free-living avian species in response to human disturbance. Oral Presentation. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Research and Development Conference, Memphis, Tennessee (2009).

Butler, L. K., L. Ries, I. Bisson, T. J. Hayden, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Physiological and demographic effects of roads on an endangered, old-growth specialist and a common generalist. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston (2009).

Butler, L. K., I. Bisson, T. J. Hayden, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Parental responses to offspring-directed threats in birds with high nest failure rates. 9th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology, Leuven, Belgium (2008).

Butler, L. K., I. Bisson, T. J. Hayden, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Corticosterone response to nest-directed disturbances in two migratory songbirds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, Texas (2008).

Bisson, I.-A., L. K. Butler, T. J. Hayden, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Determining stress responses to human-related disturbance in small migratory birds using heart rate telemetry. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, Texas (2008).

Butler, L. K. Timing and location of prebasic molt in northern populations of Vermilion flycatchers. Wilson Ornithological Society, Boston, Massachusetts (2007).

Butler, L. K., T. J. Hayden, I. Bisson, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Chronic stress and corticosterone: CORT responses to seven days of rotating stressors in two free-living songbirds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, Arizona (2007).

Butler, L. K. Practice and promise in the study of body feather structure. Northeast Regional Meeting of the Division of Vertebrate Morphology, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Brown University (2006).

Butler, L. K. and S. Rohwer. Correlations between flight demands and the structure of contour feathers in small birds.  Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Orlando, Florida (2006).

Butler, L. K., S. Rohwer, and M. G. Speidel. Quantifying body feather structure to address ecological, evolutionary, and life history questions. American Ornithologists' Union, Quebec City, Quebec (2004).

Rohwer, S., L. K. Butler, and D. R. Froehlich. East-west contrasts in the scheduling of molt and migration in Neotropical passerines. Birds of Two Worlds Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, Shepherdstown, West Virginia (2002).

Owen-Ashley, N. T., L. K. Butler, S. Rohwer, and J. Wingfield. The role of testosterone in a moving avian hybrid zone.  Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Anaheim, California (2002).


Butler, L. K., I. Bisson, T. J. Hayden, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero.  When is corticosterone a useful measure of short- and long-term disturbance in birds? Lessons from field experiments on endangered and common species. “Applications of stress endocrinology to conservation” symposium, 125th meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Portland, Oregon (2008).

Butler, L. K. The chronic stress paradigm: can we use it to detect disturbed populations of vertebrates? Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University (2006).


Butler, L. K., R. de Bruijn, and L. M. Romero. Physiological response of molting songbirds to a labile perturbation factor: Hurricane Irene. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas (2014).

Hope, S., F. Stabile, and L. K. Butler. Songbird molt dynamics in fragmented and urbanized landscapes. Wilson Ornithological Society, Williamsburg, Virginia (2013).

Stabile, F., S. Hope, and L. K. Butler. Age contrasts in the timing of body molt in the Carolina Chickadee. Wilson Ornithological Society, Williamsburg, Virginia (2013).

Butler, L. K. Effects of Hurricane Irene on molting chickadees. Wilson Ornithological Society, Williamsburg, Virginia (2013).

Butler, L. K. Influences of latitude and climate on the molt dynamics of a widely-distributed passerine, the Vermilion flycatcher. North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (2012).

Butler, L. K., and S. R. Wilkenfeld. Molt rate varies among flight feather tracts in the Carolina Chickadee. American Ornithologists' Union, Jacksonville, Florida (2011).

Wang, M. Y., C. M. Deering, and L. K. Butler. Site contrasts in molt dynamics of the Carolina Chickadee. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Salt Lake City (2011).

Keyel, A. C., L. K. Butler, D. Peck. J. M. Reed, and L. M. Romero. Experimental predator exposure alters corticosterone and behavior in european starlings and bobolinks. Joint meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, San Diego, California (2010).

Glassman, L. W., L. K. Butler, and L. M. Romero. Behavioral responses of an endangered and a common bird to disturbances at the nest. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston (2009).

Kostelanetz, S. A., M. J. Dickens, L. K. Butler, and L. M. Romero. Effects of chronic stress during molt on the heart rate and heart rate variability of European starlings. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston (2009).

Butler, L. K. and L. M. Romero. Relationships between corticosterone concentrations and the onset, progression, intensity, and rate of molt in two free-living songbirds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Boston (2009).

Butler, L. K., L. Ries, T. J. Hayden, I. Bisson, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Physiological and demographic effects of road density on an endangered songbird breeding at Fort Hood. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Washington, D.C. (2008).

Butler, L. K., T. J. Hayden, and L. M. Romero. Effects of heavy rainfall on the physiology and life-history of migratory songbirds breeding in the south-central United States.  Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, Texas (2008).

Butler, L. K., T. J. Hayden, I. Bisson, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Testing for stress caused by military personnel on foot in the breeding habitat of two avian species of concern at Fort Hood. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Washington, D.C. (2007).

Butler, L. K., T. J. Hayden, and L. M. Romero. Population differences in the onset and rate of prebasic molt in Black-capped and White-eyed Vireos. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, Arizona (2007).

Butler, L. K., I. A. Bisson, T. J. Hayden, M. Wikelski, and L. M. Romero. Using hormonal indicators of chronic stress to study military training disturbance on avian species of concern. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Washington, D.C. (2006).

Barry, J. H., L. K. Butler, S. A. Rohwer, and V. G. Rohwer. Molt-migration in the Western Kingbird. IV North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico (2006).

Butler, L. K. Molt in birds: a model for the study of ecophysiology.  International Union of Physiological Sciences, Pali Mountain, California (2005).

Butler, L. K., M. G. Donahue, and S. Rohwer. Age class differences in molt-migration in the Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana).  Birds of Two Worlds Symposium, Smithsonian Institution, Shepherdstown, West Virginia (2002).

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