Vedrana Krstic, Ph.D.
>>CIV 333 Soil Mechanics Laboratory
This is a collection of photos taken during Fall 2005 semester.
We had a great time and learned so much about soil behavior and soil
properties while experimenting in the laboratory and the field.
Christina, Nick, Ed, Shannon, Tom, Danielle and John showed great
enthusiasm and completed this course with high proficiency and
knowledge in experimental soil mechanics.
Students collecting soil samples on campus. We will use the soil in several experiments
such as water content determination, specific gravity, sieve analysis and compaction tests.
Getting ready to start the shaker that will separate different soil fractions on sieves
with different opening sizes.
Taking readings during hydrometer test.
Sample placement in the Casagrande's liquid limit device.
Conducting constant head and falling head permeability tests.
Field density determination using rubber baloon test.
Soil compaction during standard Proctor test.
Jacking compacted soil sample.
Soil sample preparation for consolidation test.
Consolidation test in progress.
Direct shear test in progress.
Unconfined compression test.
Pocket penetrometer test.
Students preparing triaxial apparatus for UU triaxial test.
Triaxial test in progress.
Failed test sample in UU triaxial test.
The College of New Jersey
School of Engineering
Civil Engineering