The TCNJ E-Mail System

E-Mail Settings

If you are dialing directly into the College's, or are using an computer on the campus network, use these settings...
Settings for Netscape Communicator 4.0x
Your NameYour fullname (e.g. John Doe)
Email AddressYour_Unix_loginname@TCNJ.EDU (e.g. jdoe@TCNJ.EDU)
Mail Server
Mail Server Username:Your_Unix_loginname (e.g. jdoe)
Incoming Mail Server for Mail Server Type POP3:pop.TCNJ.EDU
Incoming Mail Server for Mail Server Type IMAP:imap.TCNJ.EDU
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:smtp.TCNJ.EDU
If you've used Pine before and want to access your Pine Folders from Netscape using IMAP, click on More Options under the Mail Server window and enter ~/mail in the IMAP Server Directory box.
Groups Server
Discussion Groups (News) Server:news.TCNJ.EDU
Secure:Leave unchecked

If you are using an Internet Service Provider's (ISP) (e.g. Erol's or Bell Atlantic), change these settings from above...
Settings for Netscape Communicator 4.0x
Mail Server
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:Contact your ISP for their SMTP server address
Groups Server
Discussion Groups (News) Server:Contact your ISP for their NNTP server address
We have these settings for the following ISPs: Erol's, check back for more...

Other useful settings for various network software -

Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Domain NameTCNJ.EDU