He comes from southern
where the long horn cattle grow.
Hes getting rather old
and hes walkin sorta slow.
Raisn cattle is
his job
and he has a great big spread,
but the two arent related
cause this spreads below his head.
In college he did major
in cow psy-chol-o-gy
so he understands the critters
more than you and me.
He likes to do team penning
and he has a darn good horse
who really deserves the credit
for their success, of course.
Each year in middle August
when the Texas plains get hot
he heads for Colorado
where he likes to talk a lot.
About his life of ranchin
and his friends and family
and about the weather
and all of history.
And if you havent
heard him
then a doctor you should see
because you have a problem
and you probably cant hear me.
For Christmas he did
send me
a shirt with Santa Claus
sitting on a chimney
with his pants down in a pause.
The shirt said: How
you know
when youve been really bad.
But I think the guy was Felix
cause at me he still is mad
For saddling up his horse
one year
with the saddle in reverse.
In the photo you couldnt tell,
which one of them looked worse.
And then while crossing
Lost Creek
his wife did take a spill.
Did Felix try to help her?
No, he just sat still.
And watched as horse
and rider
swam and splashed around.
While he was sitting safely
quite dry on higher ground.
On a ride in 95
down where the cattle roam.
While I was resting off my horse
he tried to chase her home.
Now in spite of all his
and his loud re-par-tee
Im glad to see him back again
Just stay a way from me.