Meeting Minutes
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CJ JONES is right around the corner!!! Next Wednesday night, CJ will be performing his internationally known act, “What Are You…Deaf?” The performance will begin at 8:00 pm but doors will open at 7:30. The location is the Eddie Mayo Concert Hall in the Music Building. Admission for this event is FREE!!! This event will be voice interpreted, and CJ’s shows have been rated “H for Hilarious,” so make sure to tell all of your friends and family they are welcome to come watch.
We will need about 6-8 ushers for this event, who must be there at 7:20 before the doors open. You will simply escort people to seats, make sure all seats in the row are filled, etc. We will work to pair ushers off so that at least one partner is a confident user of American Sign Language. If you are interested in being an usher, please send us and e-mail. Also, could ushers please wear dark colored pants (black dress pants or dark jeans) and a white shirt.
In order to make our CJ event successful it is important that we publicize both on and off campus. You are more than welcome to invite family, friends, professors, classmates, etc to this performance. We handed out flyers to those who attended the meeting, and everyone will be going around campus to hang up the flyers in their designated resident’s hall or academic building. Thanks to everyone who helped out with that!
We could also spread the word by e-mailing our classmates through SOCS. An e-mail will be sent to all of you, in where you can simply copy and paste the important information about CJ and then forward it to the list serves for your courses provided by SOCS. Again, thanks for helping to publicize our CJ event!
T-Shirts: Thanks to everyone who ordered T-Shirts in an effort to support our club! Many people spread the word and got family and friends to order our shirt, which is great! The order has been placed and will take between 1 and 2 weeks to process and ship. I will contact those who have ordered T-Shirts once they arrive in the mail so we can figure out a way to distribute them :)
Calendar Sales: We are currently selling Color of Language 2008 (14-month) calendars for $10 each. These are really great resources for American Sign Language, English, and Spanish vocabulary. Come to one of our meetings to purchase a calendar or ask an E-Board member and we can try to get one to you. These could be a great gift for the holidays to give to friends or family members!
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
Contact us at
This page last updated 7 May 2008