Meeting Minutes
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Welcome to the Deaf and Hearing Connection! For those of you who are new, here is a brief overview of what our club is all about. Through various service activities we work hard to reach out to the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community. We provide opportunities for members to volunteer at programs, events, and other outreach-type activities. You do not need to know sign language to be a member of DHC, and you also do not need to be in the Deaf Education program here on campus. We’re looking forward to a great year with you all! Here is your Executive Board for this year:
President - Nicole Passenti
Vice President – Lauren Senko
Treasurer – Elaine Smolen
Secretary – Nicole Lavender
The advisor for our club is Dr. Slobodzian, who is a faculty member from TCNJ’s Special Ed., Language, and Literacy department.
Possible Upcoming Events
MKSD Field Day: we have a projected date of Wed. October 17, 2007 for our fun-filled field day with the students from Katzenbach. Further information regarding times will be coming soon!
Paired Readings – ASL and English Storytelling: Last year we were very successful with our paired reading projects in Moorestown. We are planning to work things a little differently this year, as we hope to branch out to a wider community in various parts of New Jersey. We hope to work in smaller groups, which would make traveling easier and also help us get to experience a variety of classroom settings. More information to come!
CJ Jones: we are planning to bring CJ Jones, a Deaf comedian, to our campus. We are still figuring out a date and location, and are also looking into co-sponsoring this event with another campus organization. We think it would be a great idea to extend an invitation to the residential students of MKSD.
Pizza Night with Alumni and Graduate Students: on November 14th we plan to host another pizza night, in where alumni and graduate students in the Deaf Education program will be invited to share their experiences with us all. Keep on the look-out for information regarding location and time.
Silent Game Nights: in order to practice our sign language skills, we plan on setting-up “silent game nights” in where everyone could come to just relax, learn a few things, and have fun!
Dennis Jones: we are looking into bringing this author of “Tarnished Halos, Crooked Fences,” for a book signing and speech/presentation. More information to come!
MKSD Holocaust Survivor presentation: a recent e-mail was sent out from our DHC account with further information about this upcoming event at Katzenbach (I have attached a flyer to this e-mail).
In order to sponsor various events throughout the year we need to fundraise money for our club. We are looking into the following fundraising opportunities: Color of Language calendars (this non-profit organization creates sign language products for educational purposes), club T-shirts, bake sales, Fwingers Fundraiser (key chains and pens with fingerspelled and/or hand shape designs), staffing the LOOP bus that runs to and from campus.
Committee Sign-Ups
Become an active DHC member by signing up for one of our committees. A brief explanation of each committee follows:
Publicity- get DHC’s name out there, advertise for our events with flyers, chalking, etc.
Programs- you will work to bring different speakers, groups, etc. to our campus
Outreach- you will work to think up different ways in which we can reach out to the Deaf community (i.e. the paired reading project we did in Moorestown, MKSD Field Days, etc.)
Fundraising- think up ideas for fundraisers and carry through with actually raising money for the club.
Historian- update our bulletin board located on the 3rd floor of Forcina, take pictures at various events, update our scrapbook, etc.
Webmaster- we currently have a webmaster, however he can always use extra help if anyone is interested!
If you are interested in being on one of our committees just send us a quick e-mail giving us your name and the committee you want to be active in. We are also looking for people to chair the committees, so if you’re interested let us know.
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
Contact us at
This page last updated 7 May 2008