Meeting Minutes
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Paired Readings- English & ASL Storytelling
The storytelling in Moorestown was a great success! Thank you to everyone
who participated, and you should all feel very proud of yourselves. DHC
plans to continue the English & ASL Storytelling next year, however we
hope to reach out to an even wider array of schools across the state. We
are considering working in smaller groups and reading our stories more
often in a variety of places. More information will be provided come
Aug/Sept. of 2007.
MKSD Field Day- April 25th, 2007
Next Wednesday (April 25th, 2007) will be our Field Day with the students
at MKSD (times: 12:00-2:00 pm, approximately). Get ready for fun games
such as t-ball, the cone game, parachute games, the elephant game, and
bowling (the list of activities is pending). If you have any further
ideas please e-mail the club. Keep in mind that we are open to ideas for
both indoor and outdoor activities. The MKSD Field Day will count as a
direct contact experience for students in ASL I and II, and can also count
as CEL hours for ASL III students (ASL III students, see Dr. Slobodzian
about the Field Day contributing to your CEL hours. You must have her
sign off on this). YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR THE MKSD FIELD DAY!!! A sign-up
sheet was passed around at the 4/18/07 meeting, so if you were unable to
attend but still wish to participate please e-mail the club NO LATER THAN
10:00 PM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 21ST, 2007. In the e-mail please provide us
with your name and whether or not you need a ride to the MKSD campus. If
you can drive people, please let us know how many can fit in your car.
For those of you who will be attending the field day, an e-mail will be
sent out on Monday (4/23/07) regarding times, carpooling, and any
additional information you may need to know.
Upcoming Fundraiser- Great Adventure Tickets
The 23rd annual Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness Day will be held at Six
Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey on June 16, 2007. DHC will
be selling discounted Great Adventure tickets (both single day and season
passes) in the Student Center throughout next week. We do not yet know
specific dates and times, however if you are interested in sitting at a
table (1-hour shifts) to help us sell Great Adventure tickets please
e-mail us. Those who sign-up will be contacted via e-mail once the dates
and times are established.
2007-2008 Committees
We need people to sign-up for our 4 committees for the 07-08 year. Each
of the four E-Board members will act as the liaison for a committee:
Nicole Passenti-Publicity, Lauren Senko-Programs, Elaine Smolen-Outreach,
and Nicole Lavender-Fundraising. A brief explanation of each committee
Publicity- get DHC’s name out there, advertise for our events with flyers,
chalking, etc. You are also responsible for updating our bulletin board
located on the 3rd floor of Forcina Hall.
Programs- you will work to bring different speakers, groups, etc. to our
Outreach- you will work to think up different ways in which we can reach
out to the Deaf community (i.e. the paired reading project we recently
completed in Moorestown, MKSD Field Days, etc.)
Fundraising- think up ideas for fundraisers and carry through with
actually fundraising for the club. This is important if we want to bring
fun and exciting performers, authors, motivational speakers, or any other
type of event to TCNJ next year.
We are looking for someone to chair the Outreach committee. The chair
holds the responsibility of making sure their committee members are on
track, and they will also update club members at meetings. Please e-mail
us if you have any questions or are interested in being on one of DHC’s
Ideas for Next Year!!!
-Current students/members of DHC will act as mentors (“Big Buddy’s”) to
freshman and transfer students entering the program. Dr. Slobodzian will
be looking into this idea further. If you have any questions or are
interested in being a mentor you can e-mail the club.
-Ice Cream Social: money has already been allotted for an ice-cream social
that we plan to hold early next year. We will keep you updated on the
exact date, time, and location.
-Here is a list of different groups and/or individuals we hope to bring to
TCNJ next year: Music in Motion (we are waiting on more information, but
are looking into 2 different performances by Music in Motion: an
Elementary show during the day in which we would invite students from
various schools around the state, and at night the Adult show which will
be geared more toward our campus community (adult = popular songs on the
radio), the Wild Zappers (a nationally recognized group that will be
performing at the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Awareness Day at Six Flags),
Dennis Jones (hard of hearing author who would deliver a talk and provide
a book signing session), C.J. Jones (everyone’s favorite comedian from the
PBS Special “Through Deaf Eyes”), Mitch Shapiro (CEO of the Foundation for
Sight and Sound, motivational speaker). We are open to your ideas so
please inform us of any additional performers or guests you think may be
worthwhile bringing to TCNJ.
-MKSD Museum Trips: in small groups we can visit the MKSD Deaf Culture
Museum on Wednesdays during our non-meeting weeks (“off-weeks”). We can
work to connect this with our mentor/”Big Buddy” idea.
-We are looking forward to continuing our MKSD Field Days and as
previously mentioned, the Paired Readings in English and ASL. We also
hope to repeat our Alumni/Grad Pizza Party, which was a great success this
past fall.
Your Ideas
-Bring back the NTD
-Activities fair (publicity)
-Pen pals with students at different schools
-Silent lunches/dinners (Dr. Slobodzian suggested a Book Club type idea)
Thank you to Alli and Carolyn for all of the time they put into DHC, and
also for their dedication and enthusiasm in helping to make the club a
great success!
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
Contact us at
This page last updated 7 May 2008