Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes March 21, 2007
First of all, the moment you've all been waiting for...your new e-board is...
President--Nicole Passenti
Vice President--Lauren Senko
Secretary--Nicole Lavender
Treasurer--Elaine Smolen
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who ran for your
interest and dedication! Don't forget that there are also other leadership
positions for you to consider such as historian, webmaster, and committee
chairs (fundraising, publicity, outreach). We'll be talking about these at
future meetings, but if anyone is interested in any of these positions,
e-mail us and let us know.
***PBS Special Tonight***
We're meeting tonight at 8:30 PM (the show starts at 9, but we'll meet a
little early) in the Student Center, Room 202 West to watch a special
called "Through Deaf Eyes." It should be really cool so come check it out!
ASL Story Time
As you know, we had to postpone the story time. The new date is Wednesday,
April 4th. We can go at either 11:30 AM or 1:10 PM. More information will
be going out to those of you involved shortly.
Katzenbach Field Day
Our last field day at MKSD was a huge success so we're planning another
for Wednesday, April 25th (tentatively). Plan on being over there from
about 12:00 noon to 2:00 PM. If you have any ideas for new games or
activities we can do with the kids, bring them with you to the next
meeting or e-mail the club. Sign-ups for the field day will probably take
place at our next meeting.
ASL Chat and Snack Times
Since a lot of people seemed interested in these, we set up two more
days/times in case the original one wasn't convenient for you. The
chat/snack times are a great way to practice/keep up your ASL skills!
You'll be among friends so there's no pressure! Just come chat and have
fun! The days/times/locations are as follows:
Tuesdays at 7PM in the Student Center Food Court area
Thursdays at 4:30 PM in Forcina 321
Fridays at (approximately) 11:30 AM in the corner of the Student Center
directly above the Rathskellar.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 18th (since April 4th we'll be
going to Moorestown for the ASL Story Time).
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
Contact us at
This page last updated 7 May 2008