Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes 10/5/05
Ok so we tried something new this time. Carolyn wanted to do an icebreaker since there are a lot of new
people in the club this year. So we went around the room, introduced ourselves and then told what we
would be if we could be any animal we wanted. Here are some of the interesting answers:
Anne—Field mouse or cat (yes, we all realized the contradiction there)
Michelle—A Chihuahua, but with a deeper bark
Dr. Slobodzian—A rebellious monkey (you had to be there)
Ok, down to business…
We had signups for the bake sale on Tuesday. We’ll have a table set up from 10-4 in the student center. If
you can make it, e-mail the club to say when and we’ll let you know if we need people for that time.
We also had people sign up to bake. If you’d like to do that, once again e-mail us and let us know what
you’ll be baking.
Our main focus right now is the Gallaudet Dance Troupe coming next Saturday, the 15th. We asked people to
sign up to be ushers. The main responsibilities of the ushers will be to open the doors, greet the
public, make sure people don’t sit in the reserved seats and show people to empty seats. If you want to
be an usher, e-mail us and let us know and we’ll let you know if we need you.
Amanda is still working on getting information about a fundraiser night at Coldstone Creamery. It’ll be a
lot of fun and we should make a decent amount of money on it.
October 20th is the Lake Drive School’s 2nd Annual Fairy Tale Festival Dinner and Storytelling. There’s more
information on the agenda, which all you should have gotten in an email.
There are a bunch of conferences coming up in the next few weeks:
October 20th—Jan van Dijk—you got an e-mail about that one too
October 29th—The Family Learing Conference for Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children at MKSD. Dr.
Slobodzian has more information about volunteering.
November 5th—The A.G. Bell Conference at Kean University for more information
We set up some point values for our upcoming events:
Every hour you volunteer to sit at the bake sale table—1 point
If you bake something—1 point
If you usher for Gallaudet—1 point
We’re still working on prizes and stuff though, so stay tuned.
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
Contact us at
This page last updated 7 May 2008