Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes 10/13/04
- The Date of the home-buying event has been changed to November 20th
- Jessica Swallow emailed us – who wants to head up the MKSD dance troupe?? Email Jessica if interested –
- Bulletin board NEEDS TO BE DONE in a fall theme.. come on, guys, before you know it fall will be over!!!
- MKSD is selling apparel with fingerspelling – shirts, bags, etc. The money goes toward a good cause (the middle school fundraising program), so support!! They’ll be really cute gifts too and I hear the bags are awesome for student teaching (never to early to be prepared! Hehe) Want an order form? Email the account.
- The Mr. Holland’s Opus movie night was cancelled and will be postponed until next month
- Alyssa’s mom to come to speak?
- T-Shirt Design!! Gina brought a few sketches to sign time today and they’re really cute. If anyone has more sketches let us know! Right now we have DHC on the front and a lion signing “I love you” on the back – super cute!! Any more ideas and/or sketches would be welcome!
- ***We are making “I Love You” Lollipops on Wednesday, October 27th! At Sheralyn’s house on Pennington. Directions will be emailed out shortly and if you need a ride email the account back and I’ll arrange rides for everyone. If you have molds for the lollies, PLEASE BRING THEM!
- ***We are selling the lollies on Friday the 29th from 10am-4pm. We have people selling for hour long shifts. The cost is only $1.00 per pop so even if you’re not selling come buy one and support your club!!
- NJDeaf (Deaf club) – good idea to get involved in for networking and resources. If you want a membership form email the account. The dues go toward scholarships for the Deaf!
- Rena booked dates for her boyfriend’s band to play at the rat!! November 3rd and December 8th. We will be charging $2.00 and a can of food or if people don’t bring a can they will pay $3.00. I am REALLY excited about this. I hear they’re awesome and it’ll be a great fundraiser!!
- So.. Rena needs help with advertising. Just simple stuff like chalking and hanging posters, email if you’re interested
- There’s an upcoming scavenger hunt with UCC Sign Club on November 6th at 2pm. Teams consist of at least one deaf person and one hearing. visit if interested!
- Gallaudet homecoming is coming up!! If anyone is interested in going email Annie at
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
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This page last updated 7 May 2008