Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes 09/22/04
- Introductions
- Recaps of ASL Fest and Bowling – we all had a great time!
- Fundraising
- Cookie Sale to be done in early spring
- T-shirts!!! We want them by November. Ideas and top 10 lists can be emailed!!! Possible ideas:
- Top 10 reasons you know you’re a deaf ed major
- Top 10 reasons to use sign
- Community Service
- TENNIS BALLS (used ones) – There’s a box for them in the SPED office (Sherri just sent out an email about it). Thanks to those who have donated!
- Rathskeller performance CANCELLED
- Book Drive for MKSD (Marie Katzenbach School for the Deaf, it’s a residential school nearby)
- Library for the Blind volunteer work (I’ve done it before, it’s a good time)
- Stuffed Animal Drive for kids at hospital or MKSD
- Quilting! (I like this one) We can make whole quilts or just squares. Also, we could make small quilts and stuffed animals to donate to police station
- Hearing aid drive – donations of ear molds for nursing homes (like an eyeglass drive)
- Committees
- DANCE TROUPE! Over at MKSD; if you’re interested email
- B U L L E T I N B O A R D ! ! ! We reeeeeally need people! Board in Forcina. Post current events and activities. It is in DIRE need of some work. So far we have Jess, Nicole, and Amanda.. anyone else? Email if you’re interested. It just needs an update once a month; you could even rotate who does it just as long as it GETS DONE! Thx
- Little National Theatre of the Deaf (LNTD)
Feb 10th (tentatively)
It’ll be a night performance
Open to the public
Total cost = $1300
Jess -> cosponsor with CEC?
Still waiting to hear about the room
- Hands for Heaven
Heather’s group! (aka “The Webmaster”)
Group that signs contemporary Christian music
Wednesday nights at 7:30 in New Res 305 Interested? Email
- Interest in starting a secular sign group?
Signatures is performing in December (Alli’s getting more info)
- MKSD Pizza nights and BOWLING!!! Start thinking about dates.
- Gallaudet Homecoming OCTOBER 21st – 23rd.. Dancers, cheerleaders, tours, fun stuff!! Annie’s getting more info
- Future Ideas:
- Band Night (Rena’s boyfriend’s and friend’s bands) – good fundraiser! Could be held at the rat.
- Any other ideas ? ? ? We REALLY need to fundraise, guys!!! Any ideas can be emailed to
- Upcoming Events:
- Wednesday, Oct 6th – sign time (introductions and greetings)
- Thursday, October 14th – Mr. Holland’s Opus movie night
- Wednesday, October 20th – sign time
- Wednesday, October 27th – make “I Love You” lollies 7pm @ Sherri’s
- Friday, October 29th – Lollipop sale
- Wednesday, November 17th – Silent Dinner (use the sign you learn!)
DHC is a student-run organization at
The Collge of New Jersey
Contact us at
This page last updated 7 May 2008